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*One year passed*

  When I woke up today I remembered that it was Miracle's birthday she was finally 1 year old. I woke Tray up trying not to wake the baby up. "Tray come on wake up it's a special day!" I whispered. He woke up and realized what day it was. "Oh I forgot what today was for a minute" he said. "Let's get ready" I said. Tray was down with it so he just nodded. We got up and got ready while Tray picked out Miracle's outfit. "You like?" Tray said putting up the outfit he picked out for Miracle. "Awww baby you got good taste for a first time daddy" I said, I made him smile. After we we're done getting ready we woke Miracle up and admired her. "Awww baby your finally 1" I said. "And your so beautiful and you look just like your mommy" Tray said. I gave him a kiss then he kissed Miracle. We did a group hug. I got Miracle ready, and my bae helped me. After we we're done I asked Tray "What are we doing?". "You'll see" he said. So we got in the car and I put Miracle in her car seat. Then I got in the car and Tray drove off. After a long quiet drive we made it to a beautiful beach. Tray had packed a basket with snacks and food. He got out of the car and got it out of the trunk. I got out of the car and got Miracle. He walked us out to the beach and put out a towel on the sand and put down the basket. Then he got down on his knees then he looked at me. I saw him pulling something out of his back pocket, then I saw a mini black leather box that looked like it had a ring in it when he opened it. "Airionna Ann Lynch, will you marry me?" Tray asked. "Yes yes a million times yes" I said and started crying then he slipped the ring on my finger. He kissed and hugged me. "I love you Airi" he said. "I love you more" I said. Then we ate and walked around the beach ( halfway). "Bae we should set up her Birthday party tomorrow" I said. "Good idea but we should start planning today" he said. "Ok" I said. After we we're done we went packed everything up and Tray Tray drove us home. He helped me out of the car and we got ready for bed and laid down.
I hope y'all are happy with these fast updates because I'm tryna make y'all happy 😊. Another update might come tonight after I publish this one. Comment share and vote thanks for reading💖

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