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1178 words TRAY POV
*Previously on My Trairi Baby* When it was morning time I felt someone shaking me and calling me. "Airiiiii, wake up!" Tray yelled (not too loud) while shaking me. I finally sat up. "What are we doing today?" I asked.

"Today is our wedding!" Tray said. My eyes looked in shock. "Lets go get ready" Trray said. "I think we need to go dress shopping" I said. "I already did that" Tray said. "Well let me see see what you got" I said. Then he showed me a beautiful white pearled down dress with silver silk threads. "The waist part hugs your curves perfectly" Tray said. "How do you know?" I said slapping my but. "Lmao just put it on" Tray said laughing. So I put it on and Tray was right, it really does hug my curves. "Ouhhhh spicy mami hot tamely" Tray said.  "Awww thank you babes" I said. Tray already had on his little tuxedo. He had on some tight pants, his booty looked mighty big! "Your pants mighty tight" I said slapping Tray's butt. Tray got a text message. "Who was that" I asked. "The limo, it's here let's go" Tray said. "Limo?!" I asked surprised.  "Yeah, of course it's gone be big if you involved mami" Tray said. "Awww. You just making me feel special today" I said. Then we arrived at this really big and spacious two floor church. "My dream wedding!" I said. "You've been listening when I always think you don't" I said. "Yeah I listen" Tray said. "Ouhhh say yes to the dress baby!" Whitney said. I just started laughing at all the good vibes. "Your dressing room is over here my Queen" Tray said. "Awww, even know I'm already dressed" I said. "It's a dressing room and a waiting room for the bride" Tray said. "Makes more sense now" I said. Then Tray nodded. 30 minutes later, a beautiful young lady walked into the waiting room. "Oh, Ms. Bills?" She said. "That's me" I said blushing. "It's time" she said. "I'll walk you to the stage" she said. "Okay, oh and um Kianna come on" I said. "They will have someone to come get me when it's time" Kianna said. So I put up he ok sign. Then we walked out. "Just wall up those stairs on the side there" she said. I nodded for her to know that I got what she said. So I walked up the stairs then a woman cane behind me and lifted my dress. "Thank you" I said. They nodded. There is a lot of nodding going on today gosh. When I got up the stairs I saw Kianna coming down the walk way sprinkling little flowers peddles everywhere. I smiled so hard because she did it so elegantly. When she was done everyone started clapping. "Erm. Do you, Tray King Bills. Do you take Airionna Ann Lynch to be your wife?" Mr. James said. "I do a thousand times" Tray said, I started blushing and he noticed and started smiling. "Airi-" Mr. James said but I interrupted him. "Of course I do" I said. Mr. James smiles. Then he walked off of the stage. Me and Tray started kissing and hugging. "Your finally officially my wife" Tray said. I started blushing threw I started pecking his lips. Then everyone started clapping and yelling and crying with tears of joy, it was so much going on. "Everybody! Calm down and stop making so much noise!" Mr. James said. Everyone got quiet. "Now that your quiet I can talk. Erm, there is an after party at Red Lobster. If you can be there it starts at 8:00 and everybody's food will be paid for with the donations from everyone for the church" Mr.James said. Everyone started to leave. We would be the last ones to leave. Tray drove us to Red Lobster in his red car. When we finally arrived oh my gosh it was so crowded. "A lot of people must've donated to the church" I said. "Yeah it's super crowded" Tray said. I saw Mr.James car pull up and when he got out he knew that no one had went in yet. When he stepped out of his car he had said "The Bride and Groom will be getting their food first so if they have plans they can leave. Now, whoever donated first will get their food first and whoever donated second will get their food second and so on". "That's good news because I will not be waiting on everybody to get their food because I'm really trying to get home and sleep because today was a long freaking day" I said. "That's a lot of becauses" Tray said laughing, I just laughed along. When we went inside, a waitress had looked at us and leaded us to a table where our food was. "This food better still be fresh or y'all finna redo this" Tray said. "It is Sir" the waitress said. Me and Airi has sat on the same side of the table. "Oh it's fresh alright" Airi said. "Yeah I can see that steam" I said. We waited for our food to cool  off and we dug in. "Hmmm the food was really good" Airi said. "I know right?" I said. "Oh Mr.James we boutta dip" Tray said. "Excuse you son?" Mr.James said. "I mean we're about to get ready and go home" Tray said and I laughed, he just gave me that 'I'm gonna get you later look'. "Ok son have a nice marriage y'all" Mr.James said. "Ok thank you" I said and he nodded. When we got in the car Tray said "You better be lucky I'm in this tuxedo". Airi stuck her tongue out at me. I just shook my head. "You're bad" I said. When we arrived home we were so exhausted! We got our night clothes out. We we're so tired that if we would wait on each other to go to bathe we would already be sleep by then. So we just took a bath together. The next morning I woke up by someone knocking on our room window. I had got up and put on some shorts then I went downstairs to the door to see who was knocking. When I opened the door I saw a police officer with Miracle in his hands. "You now have the rights to your child.  Just sign here" he said pointing on a spot on a paper. After I signed it he gave Miracle to me and said "Have a nice day Sir". I just started crying with tears of joy when I closed the door. I speed walked upstairs to our room to show Airi. "AIRI WAKE UP NOW!" I yelled. "What happened?" Airi said still sleepy. "Open your eyes" I said. When she opened her eyes they lit up. "My Baby!" Airi yelled. "Miracle I love you" Airi said grabbing her. "The fam is back baby" I said and then we did a group hug including kisses.

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