Part 15

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Sweety looked at her mom for a very long time. She just stared at her.

Heera:"I must to go to Police! I must to tell them!"

Sweety:"Mom Relax ... Relax...ohh God! Wait I will think what we should do!"

Heera:"No No I will go to Police !" Sweety grab her mother's both arms and shake her!

Sweety: "Mom, calm down, relax, let's wait, what daddy will say when he's awake again, please!"

She hugged her mom. Heera shivered, looked left and right! Sweety calls the chauffeur. Then they drove home with her mother.

At Home:

Sweety: "Mom tell me exactly what happened!"

Heera: "So Mira suddenly stood in front of us, the door was locked, we were scared, and suddenly the gun was pointed at me. She wanted to shoot me. And suddenly your father threw himself in front of me. She hit him with the bullet he lay on the ground. And then she threw the gun on the floor. I think she was scared......And...And... I do not know why but ... With a cloth I took the gun....Fast from the ground...And...hmmm I shot her with it....Directly her forehead! She was lying there ... she was dead. Her dead body was lying there. I did not want that, but she would have shot me or you. Or she could have done bad things. I wanted to stop her finally...."

Sweety:"You wanted to do Daddy's revenge...You did it because you still love dad! Mom Please Please stop thinking about it. Forget it and do not tell everyone and not everywhere. Come here.. I love you Mom."

Sweety hugged her mom. Her mother slept with her in her bed. They cuddled together. The worries were no longer present, even if it were for a few hours. They slept peacefully until a call woke them up.

On the phone was the Doctor.

Doctor: Hello here is doctor xxxx Mr. Kapur is awake. He wants to talk to Heera. Please come to the hospital. See you!"

Sweety and Heera went to the hospital. They were a little surprised when they saw the policeman get out of Bikram's room. Heera was nervous. They went to his room.

Sweety: "Dad, how are you? I wanted to see you. Are you okey?"

Bikram:"Yes Sweetheart. Ho are you?"

Bikram hugged and kissed his daughter. Sweety:"Yes I am good but now I will go because you wanted to talk with Heera so Mom take care of my hero. okey bye you both!"

Heera looked him. Heera:" Heeeey Hmm so ... Mmmmmmmm Miiiiii MmmMira .. dead...ehmm!"

Bikram:"I know! Finally she is dead. She killed herself!"

Heera:"No No I ....."

Bikram:"ssssh forget everything. She committed suicide!"

He stroked her face and kissed her forehead. He flows:"You did not done something. Okey She  committed suicide!"

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