Chapter 9

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P.O.V of Lauren:

     I swiftly walk towards an elderly couple on a corner table of the Dinner.

     "Okay, hello my name is Lauren, what are we ordering tonight?" I irritatingly ask with a sigh to an elderly couple waiting patiently to dine. The lights of the night shining on their soft grey-white short hair. Complimenting every single wrinkle that tells a story - showed a smile even when not smiling – Why are they so happy?

     "Can we start with drinks first? We haven't decided yet," the customer questioned.

     "Sure," I dryly replied, but why am I so mad? Mad is such a strong word for right now. Grumpy fits best. I'm eager to go home but one should keep their calm. Who am I now, Marie?

     "What drinks would you like to order?" I inquire.

     "I would like a lemonade," said the elderly lady.

     "I'll have a lemonade as well," ordered the elderly man.

     "Okay, two lemonades coming up." I assure.

     "Oh, with ice please," remembers the elderly lady. I don't even respond but I make sure to remember it cause if I don't, we'll get complaints.

     As I walk by the counter to get to other customers, I yell:

     "Brit, two lemonades with ice!"

     "Please and thank you!" responds Brit, to which I respond with "whatever." 

     I've been told that I'm quite abrupt and vulgar, however, I was much worse before Marie came along I have to admit. Marie is very kind, she's a good example of that. She's a strong Christian and follows Jesus or whatever too. Although sometimes she has to defend herself, but she manages to do so in the most calm way possible; sometimes. That stings most than having a yelling contest. Others see this and it makes them think on their own being: how they act and speak to others, they would ponder over their character. Think about it; we all feel best with someone compassionate and kind than with someone rude and vulgar. She truly made a difference to many of her bullies. And that's what has me so grumpy. She's good. She's the good one, and I don't even try.

     I've already taken a few orders from my second table, so I go to give them to the cook when the phone rings. I pick it up and introduce with:

     "Hello, thanks for calling Blue Lake Dinner, how can I help you?"

     "Honey, it's me, John." Why is he calling me through here? Why is he calling at all? Usually, he'll text in case I'm busy, I think to myself.

     "John, why are you calling me through here?" I exclaim.

     "Your phone is turned off," he explains, "Listen, I just got home and Marie isn't here. Yes, I called Alice and they're not together," he further explains.

     "Okay, so what are you saying? You think she's here? Cause she's not," I said as my co-worker passed by and I started handing her the orders to give to the cook.

     "Lauren, Marie disappeared," John says bluntly. Instantly, all I've ever said or done to Marie swifts through my mind.

     I'm frozen, astonished because what if she's gone because of me?

     "Are you sure?" I suspiciously questioned.

     "Yes!" exclaims John.

     "She, she ran away?" I stutter. My heart picks up it's pace. I rub on my neck nervously. I unconsciously do that when I'm nervous.

     "No, no, I don't think so. Everything was messed up when I got home but I just thought that it may have been the girls playing around," he explains.

     "She could have made it herself to run away, like the Baglo's kid," he adds.

     "But, but, did..." I stuttered out but am rudely interrupted by the cook with:

     "Ey! Hurry up!" I get startled, turn back to the phone, and say to John:

     "I gotta go, I'll be right there." I hang up and take off my apron, grab my bag, put on my jacket, and head out the door while the cook and the boss yell:

     "Hey, where you think you going?!"

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