Chapter 10

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P.O.V of Bob:

     "Yeah, it better," I say to the person on the phone. I hang up and put up down on the kitchen counter. Now to restfully recline on my favorite faux leather, brown recliner. I sit watching TV as I patiently wait to watch my wife and I's favorite show along with her, Marly. Marly is 72 with vibrant white, soft hair. She has a thin upper body compared to her wide hips and is average height, a warm and inviting smile that give her story-telling wrinkles to decorate her grey eyes. People may see her as an old woman, but I see her as a beautiful, ravishing one. 

     As I'm waiting, I hear a distant scream. What is that? It was the kind like a call for help. I'm just hearing things. At this age, everything you see and hear is questionable. I shake it off and resume to my television. It was probably just a bird. There's another distant scream and to me it sounds an awful lot like Marie. Now I've really lost my marbles. I mute the TV and try to listen.

     I stand up and walk over to the window facing Marie's driveway and side of the house – Ugh, my knee, I think to myself as I grunt; I gently push aside the blinds. There's three men carrying someone, and I can't distinguish who it is; was it Navey or Marie? Dang, they're really struggling. I take a better look and once it was already too late, I realize that I just watched Marie get kidnapped. Why didn't I do anything!? I freeze in shock; eyes wide open so I don't miss anything. I'm perplexed, and astonished. In utter shock that I just witnessed a kidnap.

     "Holy Moly," I mumble out.

     "Bob, have you seen my coconut body lotion?" Marly asks from across the house.

     "No dear," I answer, still too shocked to even realize what I said.

     "Hey Marly?" I called.

     "Yes dear?" Replies Marly.

     As I'm going to tell her what I just saw, I shut myself right up because I know that she wouldn't believe me. She's the kind to believe it when she sees it.

     "No, nothing, I found it. I lost the remote for a second." I lie as I go to the couch and grab the remote and hold it up as if I've discovered something monumental. I force out a chuckle to make it believable. I then burst into movement. I move quickly to the kitchen counter and reach for the home phone. I dial 9-1-1 and wait for an operator. One ring, two rings, and it cuts to a voice message saying how the line is busy. They do call back, but I don't have time for that! I hang up and throw it back to the counter. I pace back and forth. Think, think! My palms are sweating and I'm blinking 3 times a second. Why do I blink so fast when I'm nervous?

     "Honey, are you ok?" Marly asks with slight concern in her voice.

     "Yes dear, I'm alright," I reply bursting into a stop with a bright smile and then I resume my pacing.

     If Marie was kidnapped, she was gone for good. I think that many kidnaps can be solved with more effort from the authorities. What if I can get everyone to help. I can move the neighborhood to call the police and begin a search party, and maybe - just maybe - the percentage of her getting found would rise.

     "Marly, I'll be right back, I forgot the mail," I assure as I came up with a random excuse.

     "The mail? You got that this afternoon!" Complains Marly as the door slams behind me.

     Marie reminds me of my daughter so much. Happy ray of sunshine, with a vivid, wild, and passionate imagination, and full of life and energy. My daughter was precious, and just like Marie, sometimes she didn't realize that. Until one day she fell ill. My little girl with pearl-pale skin, dashing waves of Auburn, shiny hair that reflected like a diamond when the rays of the sun hit the very essence of it, with beautiful large brown eyes that turned into something more than to describe them as bluntly brown. Day by day she'd drift away farther and farther from the depths of life. Until one day her body had had enough, and life flowed away from her soul. Although I grieved, Marie came along and raised my spirits. She'd show me what she would call "God's promises" like in Isaiah 33:24. I gained hope and I'm going to do all I can to save her.

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