Chapter 13

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     My cabin is in these woods somewhere. I know it. This must be where the smell has been coming from. I'd smell it from the cabin and this is the river my dad and I would visit sometimes. I'd get in trouble because I always wanted to cross it to get to a beautiful flowering tree I spotted. This isn't my usual path, but it's here; this air feels too familiar. I make my first step with my left foot and realize I'm missing a shoe. I had forgotten about that. I wonder where it ended up in. 

     Where do I go? I do remember that last time I was at the cabin, I took a long walk and found myself with a river. It was just as fast but there were a set of mossy rocks that served as a trail to the other side. About 10ft following those rocks was a small waterfall. I didn't go through any rocks or waterfalls yet. It must be up ahead, and I hope not too far. I follow the river in the direction I was going. I wish I had my shoe. I might cut my foot but it's better than being with those idiots. 

     What could be happening back home? Have they even noticed? I mean the living room was a bit wrecked. Of course, they've noticed. How could someone forget the person they hate? Do they really hate me though? Between John and Lauren, I think Lauren would be the one to hate me most. I wonder how Alice is dealing with this. She's strong; she's bubbly but she's got a set attitude when she needs it. What if this is a different river and I'm lost? What if I'm so lost, that I never find my way back? My stomach makes a loud rumble and it almost resembles Garfield's purrs. My cat. I want my cat. What did they do to him? Could they have killed him? Just thinking about it makes my stomach burn and gives me a heart sinking beat. The man dropped him, and Garfield ran away and none of them went for him. I hope Bob's okay too. I wonder what he might be thinking or doing right now about the situation. I probably won't be back anytime soon today. So, I hope he does well without me; I'm the only person he can tolerate, well, after his wife. He has his wife; I think he'll be fine. 

     Despite the situation, I'm calm. The river has a melody that is somehow relaxing. There's a lot of trees missing many leaves and they've fallen to the ground. The fallen leaves have created an orange-red blanket that warmly hugs the floor. That rest was not enough, I think with regret for not taking a longer one. Taking a one shoed walk after having fought off a cold, strong-current river was not a good idea. But I can't stop now. They'd probably catch up to me. The night might catch up to me and I don't want to spend the night out in the open.

     Has the current grown faster? It seems to have gotten louder. Maybe I'm just hearing things. It feels to be afternoon right now I need food. I'm so hungry my stomach stings. It may as well be eating itself - although that's impossible. Then again that's probably what's causing me to hear things since I've also not drunken any water since the afternoon of the day I got kidnapped. No wonder my mind is foggy. Still, is it enough to make me hear things? I need to sit. I need to sit; I think to myself as I plummet to the ground in relief. I lay parallel from the river about 5-8ft away. I lay flat on the ground and turn my head to face the river and straight across is the trail of mossy stones that lead to the other side of the river. 

     I bolt up in an instant and am quickly on my feet. I run towards them in joy. 

     "I'm here! I'm here!" I screech excitedly.

     I run about 10ft ahead and just as I thought, there's the small waterfall. I wasn't just hearing things. I was hearing the waterfall. Ok, so, from the cabin, I walked in a straight path down to the river, I ponder to myself. Just walk the same direction. I'm so happy, I will be there shortly! What if I remember it differently and it's gonna take a long time to get there? Who cares! I'm closer than before! I make my way through my path. I'm fast walking, then sprinting, 

"Oh forget it!" I start running. I'm running just as fast as before. I don't even care that I am barefoot on one foot. Branches scratch against my arms. My heart is racing again and my breathing's accelerated as well. I'm running as fast as I can until I step on a dry branch with my bare foot and crack the branch. I fall to the ground and hold my foot in agonizing pain. Prickling pain shoots in all directions within my foot and some made way towards my ankle.

     "Ugh, my God." I mumble in agony as I rock myself back and forth for a while.

     Once the pain has subsided a bit, I let go, take my sock off, and take a good look at the injury. Not bleeding, good. I put my sock back on and resume my search for the cabin, only I'll be more careful this time. It may have not been enough to make me bleed but it was enough to make me limp a bit. So now I'm still running but slower. I'm so tired but I can't give up now. I've made it so far to stop. 

     My foot hurts the more I use it so now I'm just doing my thing fast motion, but no running... sadly. I'm so tired, I thought to myself with every step. I can't tell if I'm wet from the river still or if it's sweat. Droplets of them glide down my temple. I can feel it on my back too. Still though, I keep walking and panting. With every step I take I press my hands against the trees to give me a push and a hold, so I don't fall - which I want to do. Where's the cabin? I wondered. It's been a long while. I don't remember it being this long. I've most likely already walked about 30 or 35 minutes, right? Maybe even more. But the last time I found it, it was probably no more than a 15-20 minute walk. Shorter if you run like I was. So where is it? I stop walking; panting and sweating with my hand held on to a tree to keep me up. I'm soaked in river water and sweat, I am exhausted, hungry, and thirsty. Where's the cabin? 

     "WHERE IS IT!" I yelled with all my force. 

     "No, no, no, no, no!" I can feel the knot in my throat and it's so strong and hard that I can hardly speak. My heart is racing with rage at the thought of having no cabin when I need it. 

     "It's supposed to be here! I was here just 4 days ago!" I scream is frustration. 

     "NO," I say as my chest can't hold anymore tightness; as my eyes can't halt anymore tears, and I start crying. I'm sweating hard but I'm cold because the temperature has dropped a bit. I just want to be home snuggling with my cat, helping Bob with his beautiful garden, and riding my bike with Alice as we laugh about something funny she did a long time ago. Instead, I'm here, under a leafless and dry tree. Holding on so I don't pass out; running from three idiots. Three lunatics! I'm in this situation because of them. All I can do is cry right now. No, now I'm sobbing. 

     "What do I do?" I mumble out.

     I just need to calm down so I can think straight. I can't think straight. I can't think of anything else but that my only option is to go back to the river to retrace my steps and risk being caught again because this is giving them time to find me, to reach me. Maybe I took a wrong turn. Maybe this is a different river. Maybe my mind made it up. It can't be, it's way too similar. Too exact. 

     In the mist of my crying and confusion, there's a crack of a branch. I gasp and turn my head in all directions, but I see no one. Have they caught up to me? My heart begins to race, and adrenaline flows through my veins. I wipe the tears from my face and pull myself together. I turn my head towards another loud rustle. I'm so scared. I'm ready to either run or defend myself - I don't know how but defend myself I will. There's another crack of a branch, a crunching of leaves, and a rustle. They've come for me; I think to myself. The sounds are getting closer and louder. I didn't notice but my breathing has fastened and I can feel my heart about to jump out of my chest.

     Run! I scream in my head. The sounds are coming from the opposite direction of the river. I go to run but I catch a movement of the person from the corner of my eye and it freezes me in fear. I'm looking straight towards my way back to the river and am ready to run. Before I know it, someone crashes into me throwing me to the ground with all their might.

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