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My sister is in town for a few days! She wanted to teach Peter and I some more dances

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My sister is in town for a few days! She wanted to teach Peter and I some more dances. Here's a little snippet of us just goofing off before she was teaching us.

TonyStark: I didn't know you danced, Kid?! 😲

PepperPStark: You three look like your having fun. MJ, you should bring your sister for family dinner.

PeterParker: You never asked.

Ned_Guy_Leeds: Hey, hey! You three were having fun. Let me join next time!

JonesDancer: Of course!

AuntMay_Parker: Aw!

BadB_MommaJones: Of course, Peter can dance.

BettyBet: I didn't know you two danced either.

Harry_Osborn: I did. Pete's not that bad either.

TonyStark: WHAT?! PeTeR!

IronFam12:😲 Peter can dance?! What else can he do?! #PeterMJPowerCouple #DancerPeter

Rhodney_IP: You got some moves kid.

MommaRhodes: NExt thing you know, there's going to be video of Peter, singing.

Harry_Osborn: I think I have that, actually.


PepperPStark: I actually second that.

PeterParker: You never asked and I don't think I'm that good anyway.

BadB_MJ: This comment section is gold man. 😂

FeParker: I demand evidence of Peter, singing! #PeterSing

BettyBet: YOU SING?! #PeterSing

Ned_Guy_Leeds: I'm not sorry. #PeterSing #SorrynotSorry

PeterParker: HOW IS #PeterSing ALREDY TRENDING?! It's only been up three minutes?! 😱 Also, NED! I TRUSTED YOU! 😣

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