CHAPTER 14: The Extended Family

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Christina POV

So today where going to upload a video with all 16 members of the band, plus the husbands.

"Family meeting!" I shouted because everyone was over for Mandies adoption celebration ceremony. Every one walked in to the living room.

"Okay everyone so where going to start by going down the line by saying are name and ages, where going to do a band/family tag video again since everyone is here, next will introduce the husbands and there ages, then will say what you play in the band, and your relation to everyone." I said.

"Okay!" Everyone said.

--Video-- (A/N instead of writing all the names over with the lines just remember it all goes in a pattern)

"Hey I'm Mike Cimorelli"

"Hey I'm Christina Reali"

"I'm Katherine Streneva"

"I'm Lisa Bellingham "

"I'm Amy Walsh "

"I'm Alex Cimorelli"

"I'm Lauren Reali "

"I'm Nick Cimorelli"

"I'm Dani Reali"

"Malia Reali"

"Maria Reali "

"Mandie Reali"

"Im Addison Streneva"

"I'm Joey Cimorelli "

"And I'm MJ!" They all said there names.

"AND WERE...uhh" we all paused. We paused the video then unpaused it.

"Hold on while we fix this." We sped up the video and we all scramble to are familys.

"We're the Reali's" Nick, Dani, Lauren, and I plus the triplets waved.

"We're the Streneva's" Katherine, Max, and Addi waved.

"We're the Bellinghams." Lisa, Adam and MJ waved.

"We're the Walsh's" Amy and Ardy waved.


"Okay next thing going down in the same order im going to say there ages." I explained.

"32, 30, 28, 26, 22,19, 18, 16, 14" I said then pointed to the triplets.

"The triplets are 13, Christian is 12, Addi is 11, Joey is 7, and MJ is 4." I finished.

"And the husbands, and there ages. This is Adam Bellingham age 26, Ardine "Ardi" Walsh age 24, Max Streneva age 28, Nick Reali 31. So basically we range in age from 4 to 32 and we've been a band for 12 years" I laughed.

"Next thing where going to talk about is who does what in the band. But to make this go a little faster will do it by groups" I explained.

"So Katherine and I play bass guitar." Mike said.

"So Lisa,Katherine, Amy, Lauren, Christian and Dani and I are vocalist of the group." I explained to the viewers.

"So the triplets, Amy and I play acoustic guitar." Lauren said.

"Me and the triplets are background dancers." Addi said.

"Me, Lisa, Nick,Christian, and the trips play piano." I said pointing at us all.

"And then Joey, MJ, and I play drums." Alex said.

"Wait you forgot something!" Nick said.

"What?" We all looked confused.

"Max, Adam, Ardy and I are on stage crew." Nick started to laugh and we all joined in, he pulled me close and kisses my forhead.

"Next we're going to answer FAQ's from our instagram, Twitter, Facebook from our hashtag #AskCimBellWalRealNeva, which is basically are whole last name combined." We all looked at eachother weird.

"@CimorelliBand; AskCimBellWalRealNeva, are all of you guys sibling?, good question but the answer is nooo, I'll have Christina explain." Katherine looked at me.

"Okay, so the siblings in this band everyone except MJ, the triplets, and Addi, Dani And Lauren and the brothers are not married, there is 9 siblings total!" I explained.

"So the next question to bounce off the last one is @ CimorelliBand; AskCimBellWalRealNeva, who is not a sibling in the group and what is the relation? Ok these are all great ones but there is some parts that is going to get confusing so Addi is adopted by Katherine and Max Streneva, the triplets are my girls who i also have adopted, but the thing is they are actually my sisters but when I fostered them they came from 2 different family's and I figured out the were actually my sister's but since I raised them there my daughter's, same here with Mandie, I brought her home with me after the concert and we adopted her but she's not triplet by blood. Now Dani and Lauren are my girls, I took them under guardianship of Nick and I so were the Reali, and finally MJ belongs to Lisa and Adam Bellingham, he is not adopted." I said.

Dani read the next question.

"@CimorelliBand; AskCimBellWalRealNeva, are you all living in the same house. That's a different kind of question but no the young boy live with my gran, and Me, Lauren, and the triplet live with our mom and dad, Chirstina and Nick, aunt Amy lives with uncle Ardi, aunt Lisa lives with uncle Adam and cousin MJ, then cousin Addi lives with Aunt Kath and Uncle Max, and Uncle Mike lives in apartment." Dani said and I smiled at her.

I read the next question,

"@CimorelliBand #AskCimBellWalRealNeva, this one is for the Adults, are you guys planning to have anymore children?" I read.

"Well I was going to wait to tell everyone but." I stopped and smiled.

"OMG REALLY??" Dani said.

"Yes, after I found out about Mandie, I was getting morning sickness, and the doctors said it was a miracle, but yep baby #6, in October of 2019." I had tears of joy.

"Well that my answer, but yes we plan on expanding our family, I've always wanted to have a large family." I added.

"Okay so right now, being on tour is pretty hard with one kid, and preach to you Christina you have 5, well 6, but yes Max and I do plan on expand our family." Katherine explained.

"So Adam and I plan on expanding our family but only to about 3 or 4 kids more, and we will be fostering kids also." Lisa explained.

"So Ardy and I want to adopt kids but not at this moment." Amy explained.

"Okay so this is where we are going to end the video here and remember if you don't feel loved anywhere, your loved here." I said.

"WE LOVE THE CIMFAM!" We all said doing the hearts. I ended the video.

"Wait, Mom are we going to move?" Mandie asked.

"Yes sweetie, but where staying in Nashville!" I exclaimed.

"Okay." She replied.

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