CHAPTER 34: Growing Up

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Malia's POV

--12:00 pm// Tuesday--
Uhh shes so gorgeous, I dont know how to tell my mom that I like her.

"Hey mom? Can you come here for a minute?" I called.

"Be right there Mal." She called back.

Soon enough mom walked into my room. It was just her and I.

"Whats up bean?" She asked.

"Mom we need to talk." I said firmly.

" 'kay spill." She seemed very intrigued.

"I like someone," I smiled.

"Okay whos the special man?" She looked at me and I frowned.

"What hun?" She added.

"Its not a man." She gasped and looked kinda furious.

"Just wait till your father gets home, hes not gonna like this." She said angrily.

"You still accept me right?" My voice was breaking, she didnt even make eye contact with me.

"Go, GO!" she raged.

I ran out the door and down the street, I had a razor in my bag, i kept running till I got lost. I was in a forest somewhere, I didnt recognize it. I sat behind a rock. I started to cut. I hissed in pain, but it felt really good to numb the pain. I turned off my location, and i pulled out my phone. I sent a text to Riley, my girlfriend.

Hey Reils, I ran away from home, my parents are homophobic, and they dont accept me. Xoxo Malia

OMG Mal! Where are you?

Somewhere, I dont know, im losing feeling and touch, in a for

I blacked out and my thumb hit the send button.

Christina POV

I can't believe Malia! She knows that gays are not allowed, in this house. After i told her to leave, her little sorry ass ran out that door. Nick then walked in.

"Babe?" He questioned.

"I can't fucking believe her!!! That little bitch!!" I shouted.

"Chris! Language!" He yelled.

"You'd be mad, if you knew!" I hissed.

"What? Hun?" He asked.

"Shes gay!" I cried.

"Hun, I don't care! Straight or not shes my daughter, my cousins sister is gay, what did you do were is she?" He asked.

"She ran away, I raged at her, because i told her gays didnt belong in this house." I cried.

"Hun, have you realize what you have done?" He raised his voice.

"I know I'm a bad mother, we need to find her." I explained.

"You go near the forest, ill go near the beach." Nick suggested.

"Okay" I replied and we departed.

Rileys POV

I hopped in my car, and I drove to the forest. I saw a light, it was Mals phone. I parked the car and ran.

"Mal, Babe, please wake up, stay with me please." I cried then I kissed her on the forehead. I picked up the phone and called 911.

"911, what is your emergency?" The dispatcher asked.

"Yes, we need help ASAP! My girlfriend is unconscious, there is a 7/11 near by, i dont know how long shes been out, please hurry!!" I screamed.

"We're on our way, when you see us flash your flashlight." He replied.

"Okay thank you!!" I cried.

"Stay with me please babe." I cried.

Christina POV

I saw a light on a ambulance, then I saw Malia through the windows, I followed it to the hospital. When i got there I ran in crying.

"Im sorry Ma'am we cant let you go any further." The paramedic said.

"Thats my daughter!!" I cried

"Im sorry Ma'am shes in critical condition. You can see her soon." He put his hand on my shoulder. My Phone rang.

Hey Babe

Oh Nick...

What were you?

Im at the hospital

Why hun is everything okay?

Malia is hurt, she was harming herself, and she hit her head on a rock.

Im on my way!


He hung up and 10 minutes later he ran in.

"Babe" I called. He ran to me and hugged me. We sat down. I fell asleep in his arms.

-- 2 hours later--

"Malia Reali?" The doctor walked up to us. We shot up.

"Malia is in critical condition, she has a concussion and a broken arm, she will remember you guys, but I think she's afraid. Her girlfriend told me what happened, thats serious." The doctor told me.

"It was a miscommunication between us, I shouldve held in my reaction, where is her girlfriend?" I asked.

"Right in front of you." She looked at me and smiled.

"Im so sorry, Riles, I did-" I paused.

"Its okay, please just except her, she really loves me, and to hear what you said broke her heart." She cried. I got up and hugged her.

"Of course, Riles your family now." I said.

--1 hours later--

"Malia Reali?" He asked again.

"Yes," I stood up.

"You may see her, room 287." He told us. Riley stood up and we walked into her room.

Riley ran to her bedside.

"Babe," She cried, and she grabbed Malia's hand.

Rileys POV

I ran to Malias bedside

"Babe," I cried, and I grabbed Malia's hand. I felt a squeeze.

"Its me, Riley, babe please wake up, I love you." I cried.

"Ri? Is that you?" She said in a hoarse whisper.

"Yes, babe its me." I cried.

"Oh look its the homophobe Realis." She got angry.

"Hun, im sorry, I misunderstood what your father said. Please forgive me." Chris cried.

"Your not going to shun me?" Malia asked starting to cry.

"No hun, of course not, we love you and we accept you." Chris cried.

Christina POV

"Oh look its the homophobe Realis." She got angry.

"Hun, im sorry, I misunderstood what your father said. Please forgive me." I cried.

"Your not going to shun me?" Malia asked starting to cry.

"No hun, of course not, we love you and we accept you." I cried. Malia drifted back to sleep, I walked to her bedside and started to sing.

'Cause I don't care when I'm with my baby, yeah
All the bad things disappear
And you're making me feel like maybe I am somebody.

She looked at me and smiled.

"Our song." She cried.

"Forever will be." I hugged her.

(Ham Chaplins! So this was a #Pride, chapter based on my life, (none of this happens irl) but Yeah here it is. I missed it on the third, so Happy Bi day to me! K bye!! -malie💙💙)

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