CHAPTER 20: Meeting the Maliks

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Christina POV

The time was 11:00 am and everyone is up getting ready. Then Nick walked down in a tux.

"Are you sure your ready Babe?" He asked while hugging me from behind and kissing my forehead.

" Yes I really am, I'm excited but in also really nervous, he has two girls of his own." I stared at him.

"Is that going to be a problem?" He asked.

"Well no, but it kinda bugs me, because he left mom after having two kids, I think he was like 21 at the time, maybe, so he was pretty young," I replied.

"Oh wow," he replied.

--12:10 pm--

"Girls get in the car, I got the little ones we gotta go!" I shouted to them they all got in the car and drove off.

--at Micas--

"Hello welcome to Micas, party 15?" He stared.

"Yes that's us, and if you are wondering if this is it, your wrong." I laughed and we walked to the table, and there sat Malik's family. We all sat down then Joseph got up and held out his hand, I went to hug him and he hugged me back tight.

"Hello, Christina! Wow, you're all grown up, I I can't believe it." Joseph told me.

"This must be your giant family," he added.

"Yes let me introduce you to them." I started by putting my hand on Nicks back.

"This is my husband Nick, then down the line, this is my second oldest Dani, my oldest Lauren is sick, so she's at home, and don't freak out to this one, haha these are my quadruplets, my oldest Malia, then Maria, Mandie, then Mikkayla, and then this is Nicky, and right here is Molly my youngest." I finished.

"How old are all of you." The wife asked.

"Well before I start, My oldest Lauren and my second oldest Dani, are adopted. Well, I took guardianship of them. Dani right here is 16, she will be 17 in June, Lauren is 21, the quads are 15, Nicky is 2, and Molly is 1. Oh and I'm 33 and Nick is 34. Now it's your turn." I replied.

"Okay so my girls Ashlynn and Marisa are twins and there 14, and this is my wife Lindsey." He replied.

"Daddy who is this lady?" Ashlynn asked.

"Um girls, this is your sister Christina, when I was 21, I put myself to marry her mother, and we had 2 kids together but then I realized I wasn't ready so I divorced her, so you have 2 other half-siblings, Christina and Micheal." He said to the twins.

"Oh okay, nice to meet you, Chris. Can I call you that?" Ashlynn replied.

"Of course!" I exclaimed.

"So dad, the real reason you divorced was that you weren't ready?" I asked.

"Yes hun, it was, so don't think I don't love you enough, I just wasn't ready." He said to me.

"Oh dad, so many things happened while you were gone if you don't mind block the girls' ears," I told him. And Lindsey and Joe blocked their ears.

"When I was 18 years old, my stepfather raped me, and that's how I have the quad. Dani and Lauren are actually my sister's but since I have guardianship, there my daughter's." I cried.

"I'm I'm sorry." I cried and he got up and hugged me.

"No don't be, it's okay, do you have any other siblings?" He asked.

"Yes, I do, including Dani and Lauren I have 9 others. Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Lauren Dani, Alex, Nick, Joey, Christian." I said to him.

"Wow that's amazing do you all live together?" He asked.

"Yes, until I grew up and got married, and my mom and I stopped communicating, and about a couple months later I foster Maria, but they took her back and a year later I took in Maria and Malia, and they officially became mine, and my stepfather became an alcoholic for the 2nd time, we escaped luckily, and he got locked up, then we found Mandie, and we adopted her, then I had Nicky, and a couple of months went by then we figured out about the " you know" situation with my stepfather and I realized I had a 4th child, which was Mikkayla, and 2 years later I had Molly so then after Nicky was born we moved to Memphis, and our band career skyrocketed and we became millionaires. So we all moved out." I said.

"That's still amazing, what's the band name." He asked.

"Cimorelli," I told him.

"Really? We went to your concert in Sacramento!" He asked.

"That's when We found Mandie." I added.

"Yes I know, that was sweet." He told me. I just sat there crying. Nick kissed me on the forehead.

"I'm still very sorry for leaving you." He started to tear up.

"Joe, I mean dad, it's okay, I'm just glad your here." I cried, the girls got up and hugged me. Nick hugged me as well the kissed me.

"So girls, where do you go to school?" I added asking the twins.

"Pinafore Middle School," they said in unison. I looked at Nick.

"Well that's funny when I first took in the girls, Dani, Malia, and Maria went to Pinafore." I smiled.

"Wait was there last names, at the time, Clark and Balkin?" Marisa asked.

"Yes, yes they were." I smiled.

"So we had classes together this whole time and we didn't know. Wait the girls are freshman right?" Ashlynn asked.

"Yes, they are," I replied.

"Wow, that's crazy." They replied.

"So Dad, where are you guys living now?" I asked.

"We actually are in Memphis, on Deckler Ave." He smiled.

"Really?? That's so funny because we're on Dreklen Ave, we're basically neighbors. Are the girls in public school?" I replied and then I asked Dad.

"No they're homeschooled, and your girls?" He asked.

"My girls are homeschooled also, but I was going to put them in private school, but now I know that Ashlynn and Marisa are homeschooled maybe we can do homeschooling together?" I suggested.

"That would be great!" he replied.

"We don't school every day of the week, we school Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and the rest of the days are a rehearsal for the tour, I also teach my niece and nephew Addi and MJ so they will join us. So tomorrow is um Tuesday, we will be rehearsing, the girls can come and watch if the would like! Let's say 12:30? They can come over for lunch, and I will bring them home." I implied.

"Sure, girls want to go to your sisters tomorrow?" He asked the twins.

"Yeah!" They said in unison very excited.

(Hey Chaplins! So this chapter was kinda short and I apologize, but the next chapter is kinda blah so prepare, maybe I'll spice it up, idk yet, but yeah hope you enjoyed it! Oh, and how do you think Lauren is doing? Lmk!! If you want to see more Cimorelli go to @cim.xx.fam on Insta and follow me!! Ok bye now!! -malie 💙💙)

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