CHAPTER 23: The Sleep Life?

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Christina POV
--6:00 am--
I just woke up and Mandie is laying on my side. Wow I cant believe I have 10 children, I got my hands full, I know I say that a lot but It's true but what can I say, I love my family. I got up releasing myself from Mandies arms. I walked downstairs, and went to the fridge to grab supplies for pancakes, waffles, sausage, Bacon and eggs. I grabbed the ingredients, and I heard footsteps coming downstairs, it was Nick.

"Morning babe, need a hand?" He asked.

"I'm all set, but if you want to that'd be nice." I winked, he hugged me from behind and swayed me back and kissed me right on the lips.

"Awe baby, I love you." He said.

"That's impossible I love you more." I replied. It went on for about 5 minutes, I'm just crazy in love with him. Then I heard baby footsteps coming downstairs, my 2 youngest Nicky.

"Mama?" He cooed.

"Nicky, how did you get down here." I walked over to him and picked him up. Nick walked over to us.

"Hey Nicky." He said kissing Nicky' s forehead, and took him from me.

"Finish cooking babe, I'll take care of him." He smiled and bounced him to the living.

"Aww he's such a dweeb, but I love him." I said to myself.

"I heard that." Nick laughed. Then I put all the food out on plates and I went to Nick.

"Hey Nick, should I take Missa to the hospital? She is constantly sleeping, and I'm getting worried, she could be narcoleptic!" I said with fear.

"Lets see how she is today, then if she's still falling asleep then yes." Nick told me, and he hugged me and kissed my cheek.

--7:30 am--

Everyone was downstairs, except Missa, but then I heard a stumble down the stair.

"Missa!" I shouted and ran to her, her head started to bleed. Dani grabbed her inhaler and ran to Nick, she nearly passed out, Lauren grabbed the phone and dialed 911.

Laurens POV

--7:30 am--

Everyone was downstairs, except Missa, but then Mom heard a stumble down the stair.

"Missa!" Mom shouted and ran to her, her head started to bleed. Dani grabbed her inhaler and ran to Dad, she nearly passed out, I grabbed the phone and dialed 911.

"911 what is your emergency?" The dispatcher asked.

"We have a 14 year old girl, who fell down the stairs because she fell asleep, and we need help she's bleeding from her head!" I exclaimed in terror.

"Is she breathing?" He asked.

"Mom is she breathing?" I yelled she shook her head "no".

"No!" I shouted in tears.

"Is she narcoleptic?" He asked.

"No not that we know of." I replied.

"Okay we're on our way." He added.


Christina POV

All 11 of us sat in the waiting room, I was in Nicks arms crying, the baby's were at home asleep, and Kath ran over to the house.

"Reali?" The nurse walked up to us.

"Yes! That's my daughter." I stood up with red puffy eyes.

"I'm sorry, she slipped in to a coma, she'll be in it for a couple of hours, she's definitely a narcoleptic, with her sleeping so much, she will have brief amnesia, so only 3 can go in at a time, even better 2." The nurse implied.

"Can we see her?" I asked.

"Yes of course." She answered, the. Nick stood up and we went to Missa's room.

--about 2 hours later--

We heard a groan, we decided not to be to excited, because she probably doesn't remember us.

"Who who are you people?" Missa asked.

"Hey Mis, it's me, Chris." I said to her.

"Y Y Your my mom right?" She asked.

"Yes, glad you remember, that's your Dad Nick." I pointed to Nick, then she fell asleep again. I started to sing to Missa.

Cause I don't care, when I'm with my baby yeah,
all the bad things disappears,

Then Missa woke up again and started to sing.

And your making me feel like

Then we both started singing and harmonized the end.

Baby I am somebody,
I can deal with the bad nights
When I'm with my baby, yeah
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

"You remembered?" I teared up.

"Why wouldn't I it's our favorite song." she smiled.

"Do you want to see your siblings? Well the quads, plus your 2 other sister? And your little brother and sister are at home." I asked Missa.

"Sure." Can you stay here though?" She asked.

"Of course!" Then I looked at Nick, and he nodded.

"No wait I want Daddy here too." She cried.

"Okay then I'll bring them in 1 at a time, let's start with your twin, Ashlynn." I walked out to the waiting room and picked up Ashlynn.

"Hun we're going to see Missa." She then stood up and grabbed my hand and we walked to Missa's room.

"*gulp* Hi Mis!" Ashlynn said, as Mis started to drift off to sleep, but then she woke up again.

"Oh um hey Ash, your my twin right?" Missa asked.

"Yeah, I am" she smiled, and I wanted the others to have a chance seeing her, Dani was asleep and I didn't want her to have a panic attack so I went to get the quads. The nurse allowed all four of them in.

"Wow, there 4 of 1 person." She said making no sense at all.

"Yup can you guess? Mandie asked.

"Your Mandie I know that cause your always peppy," she laughed then pointed to mikkayla,

"Your Mikkayla because you have a beautiful smile." She smiled and Mikkayla nodded.

"Your Maria, because we share a bunk at home." She laughed, and I looked at her in shock.

"So you remembered that pretty well!" I smiled.

"Oh right and that Malia because some how out of all of you, your tall like mom!" She giggled and then drifted off to sleep.

Then the nurse walked in, and she handed me the discharge papers.

"She's doing very well, but please call time off from work and stay with her at all times, she needs it I suggest laying with her when she's on the couch, so she doesn't get hurt, and keep her on the lowest level, no stairs, mostly bed rest, here is the Rx forms for her medicine that helps her stay up for a little while. Any questions?" She asked.

"Nope we are all set!" I shook her hand.

"You guys are all set!" She answered.

"Thank you!" I told her and she nodded then I carried Missa to the car, and Nick carried Dani and Lauren drove home.


We got home and Nick layed Dani down in her bed, and I went to the couch with Missa and she layed in my arms and she was asleep for good this time. The girls all came on the big couch with me and so did Nick and we all just slept together again like a big family.

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