Chapter Twelve - Suiting Up

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A/N: What's a chapter without Ava arguing with somebody, eh? Brace yourselves for a hell of an argument over her suit...let's just say Natasha designed it, and the boys have a...good view. Anyway, enjoy this chapter and have a wonderful day/night! Love, abbiemca x 


Ava's View

Any normal person would have a splitting headache, and no recollections of what happened the night before, but as we've already established, I'm far from normal. I woke up like I do any other morning, there was no hangover, no headache, and I remembered everything that happened before I fell unconscious last night. I pushed myself up from my covers and reached for the alarm clock on my bedside cabinet, only for my attention to be drawn to a very elaborately decorated note; addressed to me. I picked it up and sighed, nobody could write anything so magnificently other than Loki. I unfolded the piece of paper, to find his elegant writing, slanted and curved across the page. 

As soon as I read the words my stomach lurched and my heart was beating twice as fast as usual. 

He loves me, and he wasn't lying. I love him back? I know I said I did, but do I? Is it not just a silly infatuation? I thought of Loki, and the times we'd been together and as they replayed in my head, my stomach filled with tiny butterflies and a keen smile spread across my features. I held my stomach, but the butterflies didn't stop fluttering and I was feeling something other than infatuation. 

I guess that settles it then. I'm in love with the God of Mischief.

I sighed then quickly changed into black skinny jeans and a white blouse, brushed my hair and let it hang around my shoulders. I then skipped out of my bedroom, Loki's note stuffed into my jeans pocket and my golden bracelet clipped around my wrist. Steve was snoring on the couch and I looked at him fondly. I wasn't going to cannonball onto him this time, he obviously carried me home last night. 

Gently, I shoved his shoulder and he woke up, his blue eyes fluttering open slowly. He smiled at me and then sat up straight. 

"Good morning," He said with a yawn. I dragged him up from the couch and stood him in front of me. 

"Are you ready?" I asked him, it was 6:30 am, we needed to be at SHIELD for 7. I held out my hand for him to take so I could teleport us. 

"Yeah...I think so," He said, timidly taking my hand. I pictured the hovercraft and then we soon appeared there in the doorway to the conference room. 

"Morning Captain. Richards," Furyy's loud voice said from behind us. We both turned and he led us through to a room with a glass cabinet at the end of it. It was Steve's suit. Blue fabric around his upper body, with a silver star in the middle of his chest. Red and white stripes were in a block around his stomach, his lower half was the same blue as his torso and he had leather red boots and gloves. Then he had his blue mask, with white wings on the sides. I ran towards the glass and grinned at Steve. 

"Can I try your mask on?" I asked, unlocked the cabinet with my powers. I took the mask out and placed it over my head. It was far too big for me, I had to tilt my head backwards so that my eyes would reach the holes. Steve laughed at me, before hiding his face with his hands. 

"Richards! Will you please just behave yourself?" Fury bellowed at me. I took the mask off my head and looked at him innocently. 

"I am behaving! You told me to suit up, I'm putting the mask on," I said, placing a hand on my hip. He shook his head. 

"Suit up in your suit," He said, grabbing the mask from my hands and shoving it into Steve's chest, and then dragging me into a nearby room, where what I assumed was my outfit, was displayed on a silver mannequin. I took one look at it and scowled in disgust. 

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