AMSND alternate names

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Okay. This is a little odd, but the cast of AMSND made comedic names for every character. Some of them are inside jokes or references, but I figured I'd share them with you guys anyway.


Or don't. I wouldn't blame you.


Oberon - Oberon Kenobi

Titania - Titanium

Puck - Pucky

Peaseblossom - Pleasebossom

Cobweb - Speeider

Mustardseed - Ketchupseed

Moth - Mote (pronounced Moth)

Hermia - Helena

Helena - Hermia

Lysander - Liesander

Demetrius - Decietrius

Egeus - Ejesus

Theseus - Thesaurus

Hippolyta - Hippocampus

Philostrate - Coulson (AoS joke)

Bottom - Bottom Got-em

Quince - Quincidence

Starveling - But it sounds so much like starving!

Snout - Tom snot

Snug - Snuggles the joiner

Flute - Piccolo/Clarinet

Pyramus - Pyramid

Thisbe - Frisbee

Lion - Kitten

Wall - Floor

Moon - Nose-picker (he picked his nose a lot in our production)

Quince - Bob (the director of our production)

"Ill met by nose-picker-light, proud Titanium."

"What, jealous Oberon Kenobi?"

"Snuggles the joiner, you the kitten's part."

"And thou, oh floor, oh sweet and lovely floor, that standst between her father's ground and mine."

"Farewell friends, thus Frisbee ends."

"Tis no jest that I do hate thee, and love Hermia."

"Happy be Thesaurus, our renowned duke!"

"Thanks, good Ejesus! What's the news with thee?"

Please comment sections of the script with alternate names that you found amusing. The best thing to do is reread it and replace all of the names. I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but there are a lot of lines and scenes that are hilarious. For those who know, Act III Scene II is just perfection.

Also: hi Julia and Audrey :D

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