Another tropey trope

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Low-key basing Ham's school off of mine because we're chill af and I live for it. Don't get the wrong idea, though. We don't have desks in the traditional sense. Realistically, Ratio would already know where his desk is and there would be no awkward "tell the class about yourself" Oblivious To Our Struggles Teacher.

Hopefully what this lacks in punctuality it will make up for in length, fluff, and potential relatability??


~ I'm using my PoV so often now, wow ~

Hamlet watched too many high school movies.

He'd always wanted to give a New Kid a tour of the lunchroom, pointing out the various cliques, who to avoid, who to befriend, and who would get you in trouble.

So, naturally, he was pumped when the teacher announced that there would be a new student to be introduced.

Hamlet didn't think much at first of the small boy at the front of the class. His head was down, he shifted his weight between feet, he clutched his binder and textbook like a lifeline, and his eyes darted nervously around the room as though someone might have jumped up from their seat and stabbed him.

"M-my name's Horatio," he said when the teacher asked him to introduce himself, and then winced slightly, presumably at his stutter.

"Why don't you take that desk over there, Horatio? The one next to Hamlet. Hamlet?"

At his name, Hamlet lifted his hand and gave Horatio the warmest smile he could offer. Horatio did not react and sat down without giving Hamlet a second glance.

Not ideal, Hamlet thought to himself, but he definitely needs a tour.

~ Teim skip to lunch because I'm hungry ~


And a-fucking-gain, Horatio winced. Hamlet had been keeping an eye on him all day, and Horatio's own name seemed to cause him distress. When it was spoken, his shoulders tensed and his knuckles whitened around his pencil. It miffed Hamlet greatly.

"Y-yeah?" Horatio said in the quiet, nervous voice that sounded like it was trying not to tremble.

"Hey. Um, I know you already know my name, but I'm Hamlet," he said, holding out his hand.

Horatio kept his eyes trained on Hamlet's shoes and shook his hand in silence.

"I'm not going to pretend to be your friend or anything," (Hamlet couldn't ignore Horatio's slightly crestfallen expression,) "unless you decide I'm not human trash, but I was wondering if you'd let me show you around."

Horatio, still silent, nodded a tad sooner and a tad more frantically than Hamlet would deem a natural reaction.

Hamlet brushed aside this strange gesture and placed a tentative hand on Horatio's shoulder, and thus prepared to mentally check this off his bucket list.

"Okay. First things first, the Dungeons and Dragons nerds."

Hamlet pointed to the nearest table where several people were fussing over character sheets, and a girl was crawling under the table to retrieve a set of runaway dice.

"They're friendly, but if you're not careful you'll get sucked into the game with them. That lot over there consists of visual arts elitists-"

A collection of seniors in the corner were raptly listening to a boy who was gesturing wildly, holding out his phone so they could see a picture on it.

"They don't call themselves elitists, but if you approach them with a question about pencil brands they'll turn their noses up. Over there are the weeaboos, also called the self-deprecating emo kids."

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