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When I was in elementary school our teacher was once asked what the difference between a home and a house were. Her answer was pretty simplistic and probably influenced by her own experiences in life.

"Home is a warm place where you feel most comfortable going to at the end of a long day. A place you usually have an emotional connection to. A house, is simply a place you reside in, it's just there."

I liked to delude myself into thinking it was a home I lived in. I think lying to myself hurt me the most in the end.

"Shut up dammit! We're you drinking again?!Why're you back here?! I thought I told you to leave!! Do you not get tired of pulling this shit?!" The woman's screams were as deafening as always.

The dynamic duo is at it again.
She sighed.

The screams soon become muffled as Aoi covered her ears. Her hands clutched onto the slides of her head as she tried to block out all sound. Which wasn't as effective as she'd hope it was. All she could do was patiently wait.

After a couple of long minutes her hands fell to her sides, the house was quiet once more. Almost as if nothing had happened. The man her mother was yelling at was the man Aoi believed to be her father for a long time.

When she was younger she'd always question why this man was always in a bad mood? Was it something she had done? A bad day at work perhaps? What was bothering him so much he'd have to drink up to the point of passing out?

He looked at her eyes with so much hatred, it'd often scared her. A child often treated like garbage when all she ever wanted was affection from either parents.

A certain truth dawned upon her after a carelessly slurred rant from the man; it finally answered all of her questions. Aoi was the product of an affair her mother had during their marriage. A big shot hero, who after finding out about the woman's pregnancy asked her to terminate the child.

He was married himself and his wife was also a few months pregnant at the time. He didn't want the family that he already treated so poorly to find out. Additionally, it'd further complicate things, seeing as his reputation as a public figure wasn't exactly on the positive side of things either.

That man only had the priority of being above ranks. His superiority complex was bound to blow up in his face one day.

Regardless, her mother was reluctant and decided to throw the responsibility of this child onto her husband. As much as the man loved her and tried to forgive her it was too much for him. He became an insufferable drunk. This man was never able to warm up to Aoi. Not much to anyone's surprise, they ended in a bitter divorce.

Sometimes by accident this drunken man would stumble back into their once shared home. To specifically ask the woman, why did you betray the trust I had in you? This fight was one of those days.

At the end of the day, Aoi finally had her answer. What she had done so wrong was simply be born into this world. Thinking about it any longer only made her pity herself. Knowing it was something completely out of her control didn't seem to alleviate that feeling.

For now all she could do was simply try and live her life. With that in mind, she was already on her way to school. Another place she wonderfully dreaded; it isn't as bad though she thinks.

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