Chapter 3

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[Bzzzzz Bzzzzz Bzzzzz Bzzzz Bzzzz] ( The sound of alarm)


[Bzzzzz Bzzzz Bzzzz Bzzzzz].......



SHIT*** really ......again

Ahhh........ Fine!! I'm waking up!!!! ...

This was the third alarm that Li Wei creak. She really didn't mean it, currently, she was really poor. The money that she used for shopping and brought the necessary thing was the last saving that she had.

Well, you can't blame her because she had only been on earth for three days. How was she supposed to find the money?

That money was her last saving when she was on earth, it was from a long time ago.

Sob....sob.. sob... she really wants to cry but she has no tears.

It was really an accident. Even though she had been transmigrated countless time and you know waking up early in the morning, she still hasn't got used to it yet.

When transmigrating, she had the system to wake her up every morning but now, she not only had no one to wake her up, she was also very poor. She couldn't afford to buy an alarm.

HAFF... ( taking a breath)

Staying like this won't help her anyway.

Better just get up from the bed...

After Li Wei finished washing up, she went to the kitchen and look for what to cook.

Then suddenly, her head starts to hurt and then BANG!!!!

Li Wei blackout.


{Ding! Ding! Ding!}

{Welcome to system space... Host!}

Ahh... what's happening ???

Shit that hurts like F***!!!

{ Host are you OK??}

Ah, who's talking. Maybe she heard it wrong...

{ Host}

{ Host}

{ Host}

Who's talking, can you please be quiet!!

{ Ah, Ok...I will be quite host}

COME OUT!!!! Whoever is talking.

{ Host, it not that I don't want to come out, it just that I can't come out}

{ This system is in your head}


{ This... this system is in your head host}


{ Your system is here Host}

Calm down. calm down, Li Wei. Breath in and out. In and out. Ok, you did a good job, Li Wei. Li Wei was trying to calm herself down in her mind, she doesn't want to lose her temper.


sent me back.

{ Host, please hear me out}

"I don't care" .... It had only a few day since she's been on earth and now she had to transmigrate again. F*** no way.

{ Host, just this once. Ok}


{ The thing is Host, we the system are in a very tight position}

What does that have to do with me?

{ of course, it does because hosts are the only one who can help us}


{ We need your help}

I'm not doing it.

The system really wants to cry. The master said that it had to get a host or else it was going to be in very big trouble. Because the system doesn't know what kind of trouble it was, it was really scared.

{ Ah got it, in the information about the host, it said that the host is searching for its soulmate. Maybe i can converse it with that. Haha, this system is so smart}

{ Host, if you agree to work with me, the master can help you with searching for your soulmate}

Why should i believe you??

{ This system can swear in the name of the system}

Oh, what if you lie to me.

{ This system does not lie}

Ok, then swear it.

{ In the name of the system, if this system lie then, may master punish me real bad}

{ Host}

Um, I Li Wei agrees to work with you.

{ Yahhh}

{ Then we can start the missions now right. Host ?}

Um, you can start now.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ To Be Continue-----------------------------

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