Chapter 11: The New Plan

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You woke up at around five the next morning, considering you had fallen asleep so early. Peter was still sleeping, obviously, and probably would be for a while considering he had fallen asleep very late because he was up all night worrying about you. You carefully got out of bed and saw that there was a note taped to the back of your bedroom door:

Y/n and Peter,

I think we found a way to find and stop this guy, but we want to run it past the two of you first. Y/n, you were sleeping when I came in last night, so I figured we could tell you in the morning. There will be an assemblage of all the Avengers (yes that includes you, Peter) plus y/n in the conference room at 10:00 a.m. sharp. 

Don't be late,


You laughed at your father's note and walked to the kitchen to possibly find something to eat. You decided it might be nice to make breakfast for the rest of your family, since they are always doing stuff for you, and decided on bacon and eggs. The only problem was that you were terrible at cooking because you spent most of your time with your head in a book or in the lab with your dad. As you were trying to figure out how to light the stove, you dropped the entire carton of eggs on the floor, and they splattered everywhere, making you drop the pan you were holding. It fell to the floor with a loud bang making you cringe.

"What the hell is going on down there?" you heard Rhodey scream as Sam ran out of his room to the kitchen.

"It's just y/n, James," he replied.

"Well tell her to stop whatever shit she's doing and go back to bed! It's five thirty damn it!" Bucky joined the conversation. At this point, everyone was now awake and had followed Sam into the kitchen with tired yet angry expressions plastered across their faces.

"Y/n, sweetheart, what are you doing?" Pepper asked while kneeling in front of you to help clean up the mess.

"I was trying to make breakfast for everyone when you all woke up, but you can see how that turned out," you responded somewhat sarcastically.

"Yeah, it's ok. It's the thought that counts. Why don't you go get dressed and I'll make breakfast today?"

"Oh, thank God," you heard Bucky groan and you made a point of smacking him as you walked down the hall to your room to change.

When you got there, you realized that Peter had slept through the entire egg disaster and was still in a pretty deep sleep. Considering this, you decided that you wouldn't have to leave your room to change, figuring your web-slinging boyfriend would still be asleep. You started to undress and quickly put a bra on, but couldn't find a shirt that you liked anywhere in room. While looking around frantically in just your jeans and a bra, you heard Peter start to say something and you froze right in front of him.

"Hey, uh, y/n. What are you doing?" Peter asked, groggily, while stretching.

"Oh, umm, good morning Peter," you replied, clearly avoiding his question.

"Good morning to you too, but you didn't answer my question."

"I'm just you know...."

"I don't think I do. I just woke up with you running around the room without a shirt on. Don't like freak out though, cause I'm not complaining. I think you're beautiful; all of you is beautiful, so you don't need to be self conscious. It's just a little.... weird, and very not like you to do so."

"Oh!" you said while dragging out the word, "that's what you were asking about? I'm just looking for a shirt to wear because I tried to make everyone breakfast and the i dropped the eggs and then the pan so there was splattered eggs all over the floor. And then I woke up the entire tower, apparently except for you, and Bucky, Rhodey, and Sam started yelling at me. Pepper helped me to clean up and then she told me to get dressed and here we are," you rambled.

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