Chapter Six - Moving In

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Ahhh I'm so sorry I didn't update yesterday! But how could I write the next chapter WHEN I WAS DISTRACTED BY FIVE SEX GODS AND THEIR BEYOND PERFECT NEW MUSIC VIDEO?! ASDFGHJKLKELQAJENDZMCNMZN OMFG IM STILL DYING CAUSE OF IT... WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW PERFECT THAT VIDEO IS OKAY?! Sorry for my little outburst there haha :) Dedicated to KassieHearts1D because she is so sweet and her fanfic is AMAZING! Go check it out! And I was really distracted while writing this chapter so sorry if its bad! The video that impregnated me is on the side >>>>>



Chapter Six 

I knocked on the door and only seconds after the door opened. Since it was so dark out, I couldn’t tell who it was until I heard them say “Why must you bother us at this—OH MY GOD RACHEL HAVE YOU BEEN CRYING?”

It was Louis. And he just had to notice me crying. “Uh, no. My a-allergies are really bad.”

“Okay no offense but that’s the oldest excuse ever. Here, come on inside and we can talk about it.”

Normally, I wouldn’t be doing this, especially with one of the guys from the band I absolutely hated. But at this point, I was going through a lot so I needed someone to talk to.

I walked inside with Louis following behind me. The other boys were still in the living room talking about something that seemed important. Hopefully I hadn’t interrupted something…

“Guess who’s back, lads.”

All four boys looked up and each of their faces showed complete shock when they saw me. Was it really that obvious that I had been crying?

“Oh my god Rachel, what happened?”

“Rachel are you okay?”

“Have you been crying?”

“Rachel, what’s wrong?”

So many questions kept flying at me that I couldn’t even think. “Okay that’s enough! I will tell you what happened, but only if you shut up and listen, deal?”

“Deal” they all chorused.

I walked over to the couch and sat in between Liam and Niall. I took a deep breath and said “My life is so tough right now. I hate it. I have no friends, I’m the school loser, my own family doesn’t even care about me considering the fact that they just kicked me out of the house and the family for good! I have no one.” At this point the tears were streaming down my cheeks once again. I put my head in my hands and just full on sobbed. When I looked up after what seemed like five minutes, all of the boys had sympathetic faces.

Liam spoke up, breaking the awkward silence, “Well Rachel, you always have us. Even if you’re not the biggest fan of us, we’ll always be here for you no matter what. And you are surely welcome to stay with us for now if you’d like.”

“Oh no. I don’t want to intrude or a-“

“Rachel, you’re not intruding! We WANT you to stay with us! Please Rachel?” Harry asked before giving me the puppy dog face. Soon all of the other boys copied Harry and gave me puppy dog faces. Oh god, what have I gotten myself into.

“Please Rachel?”

“Come on Rachel, please? For us?”


I wanted to say no, but me being the softy, I couldn’t say no to puppy dog faces. Rolling my eyes, I said “Okay fine! You win!” I said in defeat. Soon all I heard were five boys cheering and running over me tackling me to the ground.

“Can’t… breathe….” I said.

They all got off laughing and still happy that I had decided to stay with them. I yawned and soon they all noticed. “You should go to bed. It’s almost 1:00 anyways,” Niall said.

I nodded, but then quickly realized something, “Wait, where am I going to sleep?”

“Oh, we have a guest room,” Harry said, “I’ll show you where it is, follow me.” I got up and followed Harry up the stairs to my new room. He opened the door revealing a king size bed in the middle of the room, a flat screen TV, and a desk with an iMac desktop computer just waiting to be used. It was amazing.

I ran over to my bed and jumped onto it, sinking into the comfy mattress. I closed my eyes sighed, this was the best. I was interrupted by Harry’s voice, “So I’m guessing you like your new room?”

“Like it? I love it! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to get some sleep. It’s been a very long day..”

“Haha okay, goodnight Rachel,” Harry said before leaving and closing the door behind him. Minutes later I was already entering a deep sleep.


What did you think?! Were any of you expecting that? Leave a comment and let me know! Also please vote and fan! If you aren't already following me, follow me on twittahh: @/iHazzalicious_! I follow back, if you ask... Might not update tomorrow cause I'm starting to get sick :( so sorry if i dont! The latest I will update next is Monday! I PROMISE OKAY! Hope you enjoyed! Byee<3 --Ashley

p.s. the LWWY music video will be the death of me.. hbu? 

A Little Bit of Luck (A One Direction Fan Fiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now