Chapter Twenty Four - Not Over You

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it's 1:30 in the morning and im on here editing and updating my story because i have nothing else to do.. hi. this was about 10 pages on word so enjoy! voting and commenting feedback is appreciated :D

Chapter Twenty-Four

Patrick started to choke on his food as soon as I told him the news. We were sitting down at the small kitchen table eating breakfast.

“You’re going to a barbeque with the five teenage heartthrobs that pretty much ruined your life and you’re making me tag along?!”

“Hey look on the bright side,” I paused and he raised his eyebrows, “Maya’s coming along too,”

“Rachel, I’m sorry but I don’t think I can stand being in the same room with five guys that made you miserable, especially him” 

I rolled my eyes, “Just so you know we’re actually friends again. And they didn’t ruin my life Patrick, that’s a load of rubbish!” 

He scoffed, “Funny, it wasn’t even a month ago where whenever you saw them on the telly you would immediately turn it off or switch to a different channel just so you couldn’t see, and I quote ‘their annoying faces’” 

“Patrick please just go, for me? Please believe me when I say that we’re all friends again,” I batted my eyelashes and pulled off my best puppy face. 

“Ugh,” a grin broke out onto his face, “you know I can’t say no to that face!” 

“Yay! Thank you thank you thank you Patrick!” I said standing up from my chair and tackling him in a big bear hug. 

“But I will have you know,” he started as soon as we pulled apart, “that if those boys do anything to hurt you physically or emotionally while we’re there, they will have to deal with me,” 

I rolled my eyes again, “Patrick nothing is going to happen! Please don’t do something that you will regret later on…” 

He put his hands up in defense, “No promises,”

I sighed and quickly ruffled his hair messing it up in the process before running away quickly so he wouldn’t get me back and so I could get ready for later today.

*Niall’s POV*

Today was the day that we were having the barbeque at Josh’s. The same one that Rachel and some of her friends were coming to. Was it bad that I couldn’t get her off of my mind ever since our encounter at Starbucks? Ever since our “just friends” discussion, the scene kept replaying over and over in my head, her words burning into my skin more and more as I kept replaying our discussion. Did I really want to be just friends with Rachel? Okay, I will admit that when we shook on it, I immediately regretted it. For the past six months, I could never get her off my mind no matter how hard I tried. I guess you could say I still loved her, but when she said we could only be friends, I knew I really had no chance with her.

“Niall!” Liam’s voice broke my thoughts. I instantly looked up and found Liam staring at me weirdly. 


“I just asked you if we have enough burgers for tonight, you did check didn’t you?”

I nodded, “Yeah, of course,” I lied.

Liam raised his eyebrows at me giving me a knowing look. I think he could tell I was lying because it wasn’t long before he was joining me sitting on the couch.

“Ok Nialler, what’s up?”

“Nothing,” I answered quickly, a little too quickly to make Liam even more suspicious than he already was. 

A Little Bit of Luck (A One Direction Fan Fiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now