1| Don't Think This Is Over

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THE CORNERS OF Alex's lips quirk up as her fingers close around the familiar can of Vanilla Coke. The drink has a lot of fond memories attached to it, and they flash through her mind now.

The notification sound jolts her out of her reverie, and she slips her phone out. Fingers careful on the cracking cover. Dylan Ward flashes across the screen, broadening her smile.

Dylan Ward: No u

Ah, the intellectual conversations she always manages to have with her best friend.

She types as she makes a beeline towards an empty table.

Alexis Taylor: Insert image of reverse Uno card here.

Plopping down into a chair, she tosses her phone onto the table. Opening the can, she takes a sip, reveling in the familiar taste and all it reminds her of.

Dylan Ward: How's it going at your mom's thing btw? Need me to rescue you?

"Oh shoot," she slaps a hand to her forehead, "Shootshootshoot, I completely forgot, how did I forget?"

Hastily snatching her drink up, she immediately starts to rush towards the door. Glancing down at her screen, she uses her left hand to let her best friend know how much of a dumbass she is, but before she can finish,  her phone is on the floor, her drink is drenching the six foot tall boy in front of her as well as her pink sweater, and a drop of the sticky liquid is dripping from her eyelashes. That's right, Alex walked right into someone. And not just anyone, she realises as she slowly lifts her eyes to meet his, the most infamous person she's ever had the displeasure of coming into contact with. Great.

"Watch where you're going!" He rubs vigorously at his cream sleeve, "Of course this had to happen today."

"Sorry," she bends down to pick up her phone, "I got distracted."

He rolls his eyes in an over exaggerated manner, "Most of us don't pour our drinks over unsuspecting civilians when we get distracted."

Alex breathes out a sigh, "I did not pour it over- You know what, I don't actually have time for this. I'm sorry about your shirt Riley, I can get it dry cleaned for you if you want, but if you don't mind, I really have somewhere I need to be right now."

His eyes narrow, "How do you know my name? I've never seen you before in my life."

"Figures," she runs a hand through her tangled dark blonde locks, "Do you want me to take your shirt? Not sure if you have a spare or anything."

"No I don't care," he waves his hand, "Now answer my question."

His insistence amuses Alex, so she smiles cheekily, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Chuckling at the way his dark eyebrows furrow, and mouth immediately opens to demand an answer, she waves with the hand still holding the mostly empty can, and heads out the exit, pausing only to toss the the can in the bin.


"I am so sorry I'm late!" Alex gasps out as she plows into the kitchen, "I completely lost track of time, and the-" She abruptly cuts herself off as she catches sight of the man sitting at the table.

"Oh," she murmurs, looking between her mom and the man, "Oops."

Laughing, her mom swoops in and takes the pastry box from Alex's arms, leaning over to place it next to the fridge, "Alex, meet my colleague, David Reid."

Alex smiles sheepishly at the smartly dressed man, "Nice to meet you."

He nods, returning the smile, "And you."

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