24| That's Brutal, Taylor

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"LOOKING FORWARD TO the match on Tuesday?" Timothy Parker—who everyone just calls Parker—grins at Dylan, who raises his can.

"We are going to destroy."

"We are," Parker clinks the can with his own.

Alex smiles, "Can't wait to see it."

Parker ruffles her hair, making her scowl and immediately pat it down. He steals her Coke and takes a long sip, making her scowl deepen.

"You have your own!"

"Mine is Sprite, Coke is better," Parker grins cheekily.

Dylan laughs, "True that."

"Yo, Riley!"

Alex instinctively glances in the direction of the voice, unintentionally making eye contact with a grinning Riley where he leans against the wall across the room.

He nods at her, and she raises her can.

"Bro, how ready are you to be a champion?"

Alex breaks eye contact, turning around to Parker and Dean mid bro hug.

"It's only the quarter final, don't get too ahead of yourself," Dean grins.

Parker jostles his teammate's shoulders, "I'm not, we've so got this."

Chuckling, Dean swats his hands away, "Sure, Parker. Sure."

"Hey, where is your faith in us?" Dylan accuses, pointing with the hand gripping his Coke.

Dean holds his hands up in mock surrender, "It's there, it's there. Don't worry, I'm just thinking ahead, that's all. We still have a long way to go."

"Buzzkill," Dean shoves Dylan and he laughs before pouncing on him. The two begin wrestling behind the couch.

Parker moves closer to Alex's side. "You know, it's a wonder those two haven't killed each other yet."

Alex rolls her eyes, "I see that. Cause of death: head injury caused by play fighting."

A thump sounds as the two wrestlers fall to the floor. Laughing, Alex turns to eye their compromising position with Dean on top of Dylan. She shakes her head. "Idiots."

"That they are."

Alex turns. It's Riley.

She nods at him, "Riley."

His lips quirk up, "Alex."

"Parker," Parker's grin is huge as he interjects.

Alex shoots him a look, rolling her eyes. He responds by ruffling her hair again.


Parker places a hand over his heart, "You wound me, Taylor. Seriously."

Punching him in the arm, Alex turns back to face Riley with his eyebrows raised.

"I didn't realize you two were so familiar."

"I suppose we are," Alex shrugs, taking a sip of her drink, "I mean he's good friends with my best friend so..."

Alex smiles as Parker sneaks up behind Josh. He gets his arm around Josh's neck in one sharp movement, the other arm bent to give him an aggressive noogie.

Riley nods, eyeing her Coke can, "Don't spill any of that on me, will you?"

"Ha ha," she deadpans, "You're hilarious."

"Sounds like you're avoiding making the commitment," Riley sing-songs, blue eyes playful.

"Shut up," Alex shoves him, shaking her head.

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