9| That's More Like It

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"Why thank you," Dylan plops down onto the booth across from Alex, placing her vanilla milkshake in front of her, "We got lucky, though."

"Oh hush," Alex smiles lopsidedly at him over her straw, "Stress about the technicalities tomorrow. Tonight is about you guys, and how you have just begun the start of an epic season!"

"Hell yeah!" Timothy whoops. Some of the guys slam each other on the backs and share elated smiles.

A slow smile spreads across Dylan's face, "You're right, sorry."

"That's more like it!" Liam Denton claps him on the shoulder, jostling him from his slouched position. Laughing, he pulls himself upright and slurps from his milkshake.

"Here's to a great season, boys!"

They clink glasses, Dylan prompting Alex to join in as well, simply because she can. Laughing, she raises her glass, "Here's to hard work paying off!"


"I really should have spent more time on that essay," Alex complains, adjusting her bag strap on her shoulder, "That has to be one of the worst assignments I have ever handed in."

"Don't worry," Dylan chuckles, "Mine was terrible too."

"You're already a winner," Alex playfully nudges her best friend's shoulder, "Dumb assignments don't matter as much to you."

"Exactly, one dumb assignment. Forget it, and come sit with me. I am so hungry right now."

"Can't," Alex looks longingly at their usual spot under the oak tree through the doors, "I have to finish my English project, it's due next period."

"Do it with me outside under the warm sun, cool breeze ruffling your hair..."

"You know I won't get anything done if I'm with you, you goof," Alex ruffles his hair, "But I'll see you in Bio."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" he winks, turning to push through the doors.

Sighing, Alex trudges back to her locker to grab her book.

Putting in her combination, Alex frowns as it doesn't open when she tugs on the door. Strange.

Pulling harder, Alex finally manages to pry it open, but really wishes she hadn't. A cloud of gold glitter descends upon her, covering her messy locks all the way down to her scuffed sneakers. After a few moments of shock turned to silent fuming, she spins viciously around to find the idiot responsible. Eyeing him out across the water fountain, she scowls at his hunched over laughing form.

"Stop messing with my locker, you jerk!" She slams it shut and storms off towards the bathroom, leaving a trail of glitter in her wake.

"Stupid Riley. Stupid Jake," she mutters under her breath, shaking glitter out of her hair, "I'm never going to get anything done with them around!"

She slams through the bathroom door, making the girl applying lip gloss in the mirror to jump and smear Pink Fuschia on her cheek. Smiling apologetically at her halts Alex in her tracks for a moment, before she bursts back into motion, striding towards the paper towel dispenser. Clumsily snatching fistfuls, she turns to face the mirror and scowl even more at the state of herself. She looks like a Christmas bauble.

"You know, the best way to get rid of glitter would be with the air dryer."

Alex turns to face the same girl from before, who finishes wiping away the messed up lip gloss.

"Glitter is very small a light, you see, so the force of the air would blow it right off you."

"Thanks," Alex nods, dumping the paper towels in the bin on her way to one.

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