34| Shut Up And Get Out Of My House

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"RILEY, YOU OWE me a new marker, you bastard."

Dylan's cheerful voice does little to cut through Alex's jumbled thoughts. She can't remember a time she's felt more conflicted. She can't remember a time she's truly had to analyze her relationships, or worry about trusting the wrong person. She's always know Dylan would never do anything to her, and who else did she rely on really? But everything's different now. Whether she likes it or not, Alex relies on Riley. He's slithered his way into her life and found a permanent place for himself and Alex doesn't want to think about the repercussions of cutting him out of that spot. It's reserved for him and only him now, and would most certainly leave a Riley shaped hole. Alex has had enough of dealing with people-shaped holes in her life.

Who knows, Drew's words could have meant nothing. She probably shouldn't be putting so much weight in them.

"Alex, tell him he's an idiot."

This time Alex allows herself to be pulled to the surface, out of her murky thoughts and into the sunlight on the bench outside the science labs.

"You're an idiot," She grins at Riley who rolls his eyes at her in response.

"So are you," she turns to Dylan, whose smirk promptly disappears at that. He shoves her lightly in the shoulder. It's only half playful, his temper has been a bit short today.

Alex chuckles, but it sounds hollow even to her own ears.

Avoiding Dylan's eyes in case he notices something in her expression, she faces the tree ahead of her. It's leaves boast a lively green and rustle in the wind. As one lands in her hair, she plucks it out with a slight smile. Trees remind her of her brother.

"We'd better head to class," Dylan says after a bit.

The trio lazily get up and start towards the entrance, their reluctance to leave the lovely weather for a stuffy classroom obvious.

"Who's ready for the camping trip?" Parker slinks up to the group and slings an arm around Dylan's shoulders, yanking his head down to ruffle his hair in the process.

"Oh shoot, that's tomorrow," Alex mutters, her scuffed sneakers catching her eye. When did they get that dirty?

"Heck yeah it is!" Parker grins wickedly, but it's quickly wiped away when he narrowly avoids being head butted by Dylan. Their awkward position forces him to let go of his hold.

Dylan rubs at his neck with an annoyed expression on his face. "You're such an ass."

"You forgot about the trip?" Riley shoots Alex a curious glance.

She scratches the back of her neck, her position mirroring her best friend's so much that it's comical, "I guess it just slipped my mind that it was so soon. Kinda felt like we had a week to go before it."

"Sure, makes sense." He nods, his hand lightly brushing hers as they walk.

With Dylan and Parker roughhousing ahead of them, Riley, with his voice lowered, takes the time to ask her about the Dean situation.

"It's the same I guess, he hasn't tried to talk to me again or anything."

"Alright, and you're okay right?"

Alex shoots him a funny look, both confused and slightly touched by his concern, "Of course. No biggie."

A white lie, but he won't be able to tell the difference. The fifteen minutes of fame the video had gotten Alex had scared the crap out of her. Luckily that had lasted the aforementioned fifteen minutes, or more accurately three days, give or take. Alex isn't sure what she would have done if it hadn't blown over as quickly as it had (although it didn't feel quick at all). Walking the hallways with strangers who shouldn't know she exists turning to stare at her like she was some sort of reality TV celebrity was a strange and terrible experience that Alex would rather die than relive. Alex most certainly does not appreciate people in her business, she most certainly does not appreciate it in the slightest.

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