29| You're An Idiot

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She turns away from her locker, shoving her English textbook into her bag in the process. "Riley."

He grins, and Alex feels breathless at the sight of it. She hates herself just a bit for that unexpected reaction to him. He is the absolute worst person to be affected by in any way, but Alex is horrified to discover that she just can't seem to be able to help it...

"-and you are, right?"

Alex blinks at him as she finally registers the fact that Riley had been talking.

"Yes?" She attempts to bluff.

"Excellent. You'd look absolutely dashing in a clown suit, the red nose would suit your adorable cheeks." Horrifyingly enough, he leans over and pinches Alex's flaming cheek to enunciate his point.

Swatting his hand away, she rolls her eyes, "Shut up."

He laughs, "Seriously, I know I'm attractive but staring at me so hard that you drool is a bit much, Lexi."

"I- I was not-"

He winks, "Sure you weren't."

Alex glares at him.

"I won't burst into flames, even if you keep looking at me like that, you know."

If only. "You're an idiot."

He winks again, "Whatever you say. Anyway, I did actually come over here for a reason."

"Which is?"

"To ask you a very important question, of course."

Alex's heart skips a beat, and she curses herself for it.


"What are you wearing tonight?"

She raises an eyebrow unsurely. "A dress, most likely."

"Cool, cool," Riley murmurs, "Nothing too restricting I trust?"

"Not really, I guess. Why do you ask?"

Riley's smile broadens mischievously, "You'll see."

Alex peers are him curiously.

He simply winks again, that infuriating, cocky smile tugging at his lips.

"Are you nervous?" She asks finally, when she realizes she had been staring.


"Come on, you've gotta be at least a little nervous."

"I'm not," he smiles tentatively, "Either I win or I don't, I have no control over it, and so what's the point in worrying about that which I have no control over? Why be nervous when I could just understand that my hard work payed off no matter what."

Alex stares at him, "Well said."

"I know right?"

"Ugh, and he's back. For a second there, I thought you might just have a brain." Alex reaches up to knock her knuckles against his skull.

It's Riley's turn to roll his eyes as he grabs Alex's wrist before she can repeat the action.

"Don't worry, it's there. I just save it for the intellectuals I interact with."

"Who? Jake?" Alex snorts.

"Not you, that's for sure," he smirks.






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