2| You're In Denial

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"ARE YOU READY to be flooded with assignments to kick off the new year?" Dylan dons an overly enthusiastic smile.

"Of course, who doesn't like hours of homework to consume all their free time?"

Nudging her shoulder with his, Dylan grins, "Anyway, how has your day been so far?"

"Okay, so you know how I was late to get home yesterday?" Alex groans, "Well I had been at Starbucks getting a nice refreshing Coke. But it all went to shit when I walked into Riley Wilson and most of it got onto him, and now he's in my register class and who knows how many others, and I think he wants revenge."

Dylan gapes at her in complete silence for a second, before, "Only you."

She smacks his shoulder with the back of her hand.

"Okay, but honestly, how do you even manage to—Riley Wilson of all people? I cannot even- you know what, I'm not gonna go there. Let's look at this logically. He's the King of Pranks, Lex, he's bound to have a few tricks up his sleeve."

She groans in response, "That's just great."

"But we can prepare, be cautious and all that. Maybe we can get around them if we aren't taken by surprise."

"How the hell are we going to manage that? We have zero experience with pranks."

"We do research?"

"Oh my gosh, this is so dramatic, what's the worst he can do? We don't need to waste our time doing research!"

Dylan shrugs, "It's your call, I'm just saying it's better to be prepared."

"He'll forget I exist in no time, I don't need to prepare for anything."

"Whatever you say," Dylan opens the door to the lab, and motions for Alex to go through.

She turns back to him as she does, "Don't sound so skeptical."

"You want me to lie?" He raises an eyebrow following her in.

"Oh hush, you know that's not what I meant," Alex rolls her eyes as she plops down into a window seat.

He hums in response, leaning his elbow on the table beside her.

"It'll be fine, this is just one more year we have to get through, then I'll never see any of these people again."

"You're in denial," Dylan sings.

"That's laughable, what could I possibly be in denial about?"

"Someone besides me being aware of your existence for longer than a day? Some excitement in your life instead of your constant state of studying?"

"That's preposterous."

"Is it?"

"Of course it is!" Alex twists around to glare at her best friend, "I have excitement in my life, and I do far more than just study."

Dylan gives her a look, "Name three things."

"I shouldn't have to do anything of the sort."

"You can't think of three things, can you?"

"I can, doofus, I'm simply not going to sink to the level of saying them aloud to please you."

"That sounds a lot like an excuse."

"It is not an excuse!"

"Prove it."


"Because you can't think of three things."

"I can too think of three things!"

"Then say them, and I'll leave you alone."

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