15| I Felt Like It, Leprechaun

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ALEX, DRIPPING WATER with every step she takes down the hallway, sighs in exasperation. She really should have checked the weather report before choosing her outfit. A sweater and jeans don't really count as the appropriate gear to brace for the elements, at the moment.

"Looking a little cold there, Alex."

"You look different, did you do something with your hair?"

Alex shoves her middle finger in Jake and Riley's faces as she trudges past them in the crowded hallway.

"Rough morning?" Dean falls into step beside her.

"You have no idea."

"I do," Dylan appears on her other side, soaked through and leaving small puddles behind him.

"I don't doubt that," Alex chuckles, "What happened to you?"

"I cycled, car wouldn't start."

"Oof," Dean chuckles.

The pair turn to glare at his almost dry clothes.

"What? I didn't have car trouble, and unlike some people," He playfully nudges Alex, "I know what an umbrella is."

"Hey! I'll have you know that my umbrella is broken."

"It really is," Dylan chuckles.

"He's the one who broke it," Alex explains.

"Let's not tell that story though," Dylan hastily mutters.

"But I wanna hear it."

"Well," Alex gleefully begins, "It all started when-"

Dylan cuts her off by shoving his hand over her mouth, "Nope, none of that."

"Fine," Alex concedes, shoving his arm away, "Just this once."

"Thank you."

'Tell me later,' Dean mouths when Dylan's not looking.

Nodding discreetly, Alex grins as she leads the way into calculus.


Entering the detention room, Alex gingerly lowers herself into a seat at the back. Pulling her notebook from her bag, as well as a pen, she flips it open to a clean page and dates it.

"I can do this," she murmurs lowly to herself, "I can-"

"Well, well, look who we have here. Back so soon?"

Alex scowls up at the most annoying boy on the planet, "Of course you're here."

"Who would entertain you, if I wasn't?"

"Torture, you mean?"

"Tomato, toh-ma-toe," Riley waves a hand dismissively.

Flipping the notebook shut, Alex tosses her pen on the desk. With Riley around, she knows she won't be getting anything productive done.

"Is there any particular reason you are pestering me today?"

"No," Riley shrugs, "Just the usual, I suppose."

"Of course, of course. Shouldn't have expected anything different."

He chuckles, resting an arm across his table as he angles his body towards Alex, "I'm bored, what else am I supposed to do for the next hour?"


Riley splutters between laughter, "Work? In detention? Nice one."

"I try..."

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