18| You'll Have To Tell Me At The Dance

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"SO WHEN DID you do it?"

Alex shoves her chemistry textbook into her over stuffed bag, "Do what?"

"Oh, you know, change my number plate to one that says VEGAN AF," Riley leans against the lockers beside her.

Alex bites down the smile threatening to overtake her features, "Oh, that."

"Yes, that! When will you stop defacing my beautiful car?"

"I don't know, when will you stop with your onslaught of petty pranks?"

"Touché," Riley shrugs a shoulder, "Touché."

"Truce?" Alex holds out a hand.

He hesitates, "Fine, truce," Riley shakes her hand.

Alex grins happily at the peace-of-mind she'll gain from this new arrangement.

"You know, I really can't believe it took you this long to notice the number plate change."

"Wait, how long has it been? A few days after the rainbow?" Riley raises an eyebrow.

"Nope, we did it before you even noticed the rainbow."

"You WHAT now? I've been driving around like an idiot for three weeks?"

"Pretty much."


Giggling hysterically, Alex slams her locker shut and races to her next class before Riley can consider hitting her with the expensive textbook in his left hand.


"You know the dance is tonight right?"

Alex pauses mid step, before resuming her stroll through the field, "Oh."

"Yes, oh," Dean adjusts the strap of his bag, "Well, are you coming?"

"I, uh..."

"You have to," Dean exclaims, "Everyone's going to be there."

"Everyone except me," Alex smiles slightly to herself.

He stops her with a hand on her shoulder, "Please, at least consider it."

"I... Fine," She relents, peering into his warm eyes, "I'll consider it."

"Great," Dean winks, backing away, "I'll see you there."

"I said I'd consider it, not that I'd be there!" She calls after him.

"What was that? I can't hear you! You'll have to tell me at the dance," he smirks.

"Jerk!" Alex laughs, watching him continue to walk down the field.

Maybe she would be considering making an appearance at the stupid dance, after all.


"How do we always end up here?"

"You being an idiot," Alex pulls her best friend's cap down over his eyes.

"Jerk," he fixes it and swats Alex in the arm.

She laughs and rises to her tip toes to pull down a bag of paper cups.

"Hurry up, guys, we need to get this finished so that those of us with actual lives can return to them," Savanna Berger rolls her eyes as she rips open a packet of salt and vinegar chips and dumps them into a bowl.

"Are you sure? We're aware that you of all people wouldn't know what it's like to have a life," Akira Ito responds drily. The two have been passive aggressive since the group began setting up the gym for some fundraising party thing. There are many places Alex would rather be, but she signed up for the committee because Dylan had and she had to get her service hours in somehow.

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