12| Well, That Was Quite A Show

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"DROP YOUR ASSIGNMENTS on my desk as you leave the room," Mr Leyton motions towards the box next to the dolphin-shaped pen holder, as the bell rings.

Shrugging her back pack over her shoulder, she approaches the desk with trepidation, as the room filters out.

"Mr Leyton?"

He turns to her with a smile, "Yes, Ms Taylor?"

She twists her bracelet around her wrist, "I'm sorry, I didn't get the assignment done."

"That's alright, I'll give you an extension for next Monday."

"Actually," Alex pauses, "I don't think I can do it."

"Oh, I see... Is there any particular reason?"

"I'd rather not- I mean-" Alex runs a hand frustratedly through her tangled newly-returned-to-their-blonde-state locks.

Mr Leyton patiently awaits her answer as Alex fumbles for words, "I just can't."

"That's not really a reason that I can accept-"

"It doesn't matter," Alex interrupts, "I'm not doing it, you can either give me another assignment or just subtract the zero from my grade."

With that, she spins on her heel and exits the room.

"Well, that was quite a show."

The voice startles Alex as the door shuts behind her. Turning, her eyes land on an amused Drew Lewis, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Yeah, sure, except it was none of your business."

"It was, wasn't it? Maybe you should have kept your voice down."

Alex rolls her eyes, before pushing past him to escape in the crowded hallway.

"Is there a reason?"

"What?" She hesitates, and slowly turns to face him.

"Well," he adjusts his position against the wall, "There must be a reason you're refusing to write that particular piece. Unless you just felt like making Leyton's life more interesting, I suppose."

Alex takes a step backwards, "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure I don't," Drew tilts his head to the side, "That's why you're backing away like a spooked lamb."

"I am not," Alex throws her hands up, "Whatever, see you around, Drew."

He hums in response, not moving from his position against the brick.

"Was that Drew Lewis I just saw you speaking with?" Dylan sidles up to her as she navigates the hallway.

"It may have been," She tosses some hair over her shoulder, "Why? What's it to you?"

"Nothing, just curious."

Humming in response, Alex hikes her bag's strap higher on her shoulder as they burst through the front doors into the warm sun.

The pair set off to their usual table. The air is crisp and cuts through Alex's hoodie, but the sun on her face is worth it.

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