17| That's What I Just Said

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Alex wipes the disgusted expression off her face with difficulty, "It's lovely."

"Isn't it?" Riley grins brightly at her.

Resisting the urge to kick his shin under the table, Alex maintains her smile as she sets down her mug, "So, are we gonna eat or what?"

Riley's mother bursts into motion after agreeing that that that sounds like a good idea. She brings out a steaming plate of roast chicken and roast vegetables as everyone seats themselves around the table. Alex thankfully leaves her disgusting, salty tea behind on the coffee table.

"So," Mr Wilson begins, "The soccer game went well?"

"We lost," Riley responds, "They beat us four-one."

"You'll get 'em next time, maybe you were just rusty since you missed the previous game."

"I mean I don't make up the entire team," Riley chuckles awkwardly.

"Of course not," Mr Wilson cuts into his chicken.

"How come you weren't at the last game?" Ms Taylor asks.

"I was out for a medical," Riley explains, "I injured my ankle a few weeks back and they made me sit out the first game so I wouldn't damage it before it could fully heal."

"I see. Sorry to hear that, but I'm glad it's fully recovered now, yes?"

He nods.

"Alexis, be a dear and pass the potatoes?"

"Sure thing, Mrs. Wilson," she hands over the bowl.


"Stop," Alex commands, "Just hurry up so we can be finished."

"Aw," Riley hovers a soapy hand over his heart, "You don't want to spend all the time you can with me?"

"Are you asking that seriously?"


"Then you're more clueless than I thought."

"Am I, now?"

"That's what I just said."

Alex gasps as cold water soaks through her T-shirt, moments later, "What the hell, Riley?"

"Oops," he says, a shit eating grin lighting up his features, "Accident."

"As if," Alex splutters, returning fire by pouring dishwashing liquid over his head.

"Hey!" He scowls, still for a moment before rapidly turning to dunk the cloth into the sink and spin around to squeeze it out over her head.

"Riley, what the hell?" She shrieks, snatching a sponge from the counter and launching it at his face. He ducks and it flies into the fridge, where it knocks down magnets as it slides down, wet trail in its wake as it plops onto the tiles. Not satisfied with that result, Alex scrambles for another weapon, and seeing the rag she was previously using to dry crockery, she whips it onto the water, scrunches it into a wet ball and shoves it down Riley's shirt before he can react.

She evades his next attack by hopping the counter, nearly destroying a potted plant in the process, and skidding out into the hallway.

Hearing heavy footsteps behind her, she sprints down the hall. A sliding door is ahead, so she Usain Bolts to it and throws it open. Finally seeing the humor in the situation, she giggles manically as she races across the grass. Moments after her escape into the cool air, she is tackled to the damp grass.

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