25| You're Going To Give Someone A Concussion

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Alex turns, surprised to see Rebecca barreling towards her from down the arts hall. Her arms are laden with a precariously balanced pile of assorted boxes. Alex catches a stray one as it falls off the top of the pile, when Rebecca comes to a stop in front of her.

Eyebrows raised to her hairline, Alex eyes the slightly out of breath girl, "What's up?"

"I didn't see you at the after party. Is everything okay?"

"Of course," Alex shifts the box between her hands, "I was... Somewhere else, actually."

"Oh. My. Gosh. You were with a boy, weren't you? You so were! I can't tell by your blushing. Who?"

"Calm down," Alex shifts so her hair hides her flushed cheeks, "You're going to drop more stuff."

Rebecca groans, "Ugh, I so need to be fully attentive when you spill all the details! Come with me, I just need to get these to the theatre."

Alex shakes her head, "Actually, I was just heading to-"

She shuts up at Rebecca's fierce glare, her narrowed eyes are lined with black.

"I was just following you, yes, that," Alex corrects herself.

Rebecca smiles widely, strands of frizzy hair falling out of her ponytail not making her look any less fierce, "Follow me then."

She steps into the throng of students, and Alex sighs as she falls into step beside her, catching another box that almost hits a freshman in the head. Shooting the startled girl an apologetic look, Alex turns back to her friend.

"You're going to give someone a concussion, you know."

She shrugs, jostling the items and making the ones at the top sway precariously, "At some point, yeah. Let's hope whoever is on the receiving end deserves it."

Alex slowly nods, "Not what I meant, but sure..."

When they arrive at the theatre, Alex shoulders open the door and holds it open for Rebecca, who immediately makes a beeline towards the stage.

Alex follows her up the stairs and backstage, through the dark corridor towards the prop room. Rebecca dumps the boxes on the floor, nearly overturning some of them, and rummages through her pockets.

"Aha!" She grins as she whips a rusted key from the back pocket of her jeans. Slotting it into the door, she twists it and pushes the door open. Alex wanders inside behind her as Rebecca flips the light switch, illuminating the messy shelves of miscellaneous items.

"Why are you doing this?" Alex wonders aloud, as she helps Rebecca haul the boxes inside and shove them onto the table in the back.

"Sarah asked me to help, because she knew she was gonna have to come in late today. She needed these props here before rehearsals start at lunch."

"Oh," Alex nods, brushing against the doorway to squeeze past a fallen cardboard cutout the size of a car.

When the pair finish navigating the cluttered mess to find places for the last few things, they exit and lock the door behind them.

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