7| Don't Knock It 'Til You Try It, Amateurs

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"THE WAY TO get to Riley, is through his car," Dean grins mischievously, "And this is how we do it."

"With a harmonica?" Dylan raises an eyebrow.

"Ah, you don't understand the brilliance of it," he points the plastic instrument at the curly haired boy, "It's simple, annoying, minimal effort and utterly paranoia inducing."

"Paranoia inducing?" Alex mirrors her best friend's incredulous expression.

"Don't knock it 'til you try it, amateurs."

"Whatever," Alex rolls her eyes, "What do we do?"

Dean motions to the red Porsche the group is stood beside, "Watch and learn."

"That is a beautiful car," Dylan whistles lowly.

Dean grins in response as he crouches at the front of the car, "Believe me, I know."

He then proceeds to hold a hand out for the tape that Alex has in hand. Placing the harmonica on the grille, he tears off a piece of tape with his teeth and secures the harmonica down, "Once Riley goes over forty miles per hour, it will start blasting. He won't know what to make of the strange sound or what's making it, for a while at least."

"Nice," Dylan grins.

"And trust me, Riley loves his car. He'll be completely freaked if he thinks something is wrong with it."

"I appreciate your evil genius," Alex shares a grin with him.

Dean winks, slinging his arms over the best friends, "Come on protégés, let's get to class."


Drew is hardcore glaring at the back of Alex's head, she can feel it. Frankly, after the stunt her and Dylan pulled yesterday that ended up affecting him rather than their intended target, she could hardly blame him.

Refraining from turning to apologise to him, and probably just making things worse, she focuses on what Mr. Leyton is scribbling on the board, and copying it down into her notebook.

"Psst, Alex."

She turns to the right where a brunette with her hair pulled into a tight ponytail makes eye contact with her.

"You have a spare pen?"

Alex rummages through her pencil bag, grabbing the first one she finds and handing it over.


She smiles slightly in response, and resumes copying the notes. Now an important question is, why did Riley avoid the question yesterday? Was it just him answering in his own way? Or was it on purpose? Gosh, Dylan really was starting to rub off on her.

"Miss Taylor."

Yanked out of her thoughts, she sheepishly looks up at Mr. Leyton, who thankfully repeats the question.

"Well I think that the reasoning was justified," she starts, "Cordelia was being honest, and sharing her love in a more truthful way, rather than lying to her father like her sisters did. She had a sense of honour."

"But she could have prevented her own banishment by simply voicing that love. King Lear was in the wrong, sure, but to deal with an egoist you follow the path of least resistance unless it's worth the time and energy it takes to contradict them," Drew counters.

"So you'd sacrifice your sense of honour simply to avoid conflict with someone who is clearly in the wrong?" Alex turns to him, incredulous.

"You choose your battles wisely, or you waste your own time suffering for no reason," He narrows his eyes at her. Again.

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