20| It's My Trademark

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IT'S KIND OF ridiculous in hindsight. Why does Alex care so much about stupid Dean Adams? He's popular, he's known, he's the kind of guy who dates girls like Sam, and doesn't look twice at girls like Alex. She doesn't know why she thought anything could have been different. Guys like him don't belong with girls like her. She grimaces and clutches her stomach as she leans against the wall, chest heaving as gasping sobs wrack through her. It hurts. It hurts so much more than it should.

"What happened to a truce, huh?" Riley seethes as he rounds the building, making Alex freeze, "My shower got Kool-Aid all over me when I was getting ready for the dance! Thanks for making me super late and going back on your word-"

He cuts himself off, noticing the shine on her cheeks.

Alex cringes, wishing he would go away. Nobody is supposed to see her in this state, especially not Riley Wilson.

Oh what the hell.

"If it's any consolation," she replies hoarsely, weakly wiping at her eyes, "I set it up before the truce was arranged."

"I don't care," Riley approaches her to lean against the wall beside her, "What happened?"


His eyes crinkle, "You really think I'll believe that?"

"No," Alex admits, "But it's too pathetic to say out loud."

"Try me."

"I'd rather not."

"Alright," Riley pushes up off the wall, and holds out a hand, "Let's get out of here then."

Alex narrows her eyes at him, "Why would you help me?"

"Because you look like you need it, and maybe I'm not as much of a jerk as you thought I was."

"Yeah right. I'll believe that when I see it."

"Then see it. Come with me, get away from whatever's hurting you, and let me prove you wrong in the process."

She hesitates, but he sounds earnest so she uncrosses her arms to accept Riley's hand. He pulls her away from the brick and down through the parking lot, muffled, upbeat music from the gym becoming fainter the further they get.

'I hope I don't regret this,' she thinks to herself, as Riley's Porsche comes into view.

"You didn't get a limo?" Alex wonders aloud.

"Who needs a limo when I have the best car ever right here?" He pats the hood.

"Sure," Alex snorts, "This car is vegan af."

Riley rolls his eyes and opens the passenger door, "Shut up and get in already."

Slipping inside, Alex marvels at the leather interior.

"She's a beauty, I know," Riley smirks as he slips into the driver's side.

Alex internally agrees, but chooses not to fuel his ego further by responding. It's funny how she'd spent so much time around this car to mess with it, but had never really seen the inside until now.

Riley fiddles with the radio until Foster The People begins to play and Alex leans back into the seat, breathing in the new car smell tinged by vanilla, "Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

"Or you could just tell me."

"I could, but I won't."

"You're so annoying," Alex sniffles.

"It's my trademark."

"Can't argue with that."

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