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The sun illuminating the sky, the fresh, summer breeze pressed against my pale cheeks made me forget about my worries and fears. I stuck my head out the window of my mom's car, closing my eyes just waiting for a miracle to happen.

My dad filed for a divorce about eight months ago, he took the house and my mom got custody of my brother and I. He already has another woman and the sight of him digusted me. My mom decided that it would be best to move to Australia so we could live with our grandmother and she could help us out a bit.

"We're here! We're here!" I heard Todd faintly scream.

I got out of the car with my phone in my hand and looked up at the two- story house that was officially my new home. The breeze and the entire atmosphere in Australia was a lot more peaceful and clean than in California, but I missed my old home.

My grandmother ran out to greet us as she gave me one of the wettest kisses ever. The grey strands of hair fell, on the either sides of her face and her glasses rested on the tip of her nose as she pulled me into a hug. My earbuds fell out of my ears and I felt like she was attacking me.

"It's good to see you Emma, you've grown up so much since you were a little girl." She smiled.

"Yeah, it's good to see you too grandma." I said, trying to be polite. I wasn't looking forward to enjoying my stay here, I was away from all my friends, well friend. I wasn't redy to start a new school and a new life, I didn't want to move on.

"Emma, can you get the boxes out the car for me please?" My mom asked.

"Yeah sure." I wrapped my earbuds around my phone, shoving into my pocket and reluctantly I stepped back unto the sidewalk and I was making my way towards the car.

I braced myself when my face was about to hit the concrete floor, I fell. A chocolate wrapper blew in the breeze and I realized that it most likely what tripped me, I was in pain.

"Why am such a clumsy little---" I grumbled to myself. The side of feet clapping on the floor caught my attention as I sighed, trying to get up.

"Are you okay?" an unfamiliar, masculine voice echoed through my ears.

"No." I replied trying to get up.

I lifted my head up stumbling a few times, when my eyes laid upon a curly- haired boy who was wearing glasses and a red hoodie. He stretched out his arms to help me and blurry eyed, I grabbed it.

The boy pulled me up and I felt so embarrassed and stupid. My first day here and I already made a fool out of myself.

"Hi! I'm Ashton," the boy stated he wore this bright smile, revealing his huge dimples that caught my eyes immediately.

"I'm Emma." I replied, shaking his hand my face turned red of embarrassment and well, shyness.

"Are you alright?" He asked, comforting me and resting his arm on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I sighed, looking down.

His arms were covered with bracelets, almost reaching his elbow. The bracelets had the logos of many bands that I admired.

"Hey, so you like Sleeping With Sirens?" I questioned, looking at the bracelet marked "Wrist are made for bracelets, not cutting.- Kellin Quinn"

"Yeah I love them, do you?"

"Yes, they're like my favorite band, next to Bring Me The Horizon, My Chemical Romance, All Time Low, Pierce The Veil, Mayday Parade and Tonight Alive" his mouth hung open "What?"

"Nothing I'm just suprised you like them," He chuckled walking off, his shoulder brushed against mine as he stopped "I'll see you around, Emma."


Hey, this is actually my first ever fanfiction so don't judge me if it's crappy. I'm still trying to get better at this :))




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