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"Hey Emma."

"Hi." I replied shyly just suprised that Brandon even knew my name.

He was the hearthrobe of our school everyone had a crush on him and would kill to go out with him.

Why was he talking to me?

"Um....so I was wondering, would you like to go out with me? The school's annual fair is coming up and I need a date."

My eyes opened widely. Was I being played?

"If Jessica put you up to this it's not funny." I slammed my locker door and walked passed him.

"No babe, she didn't." he ran in front me.


That word sent chills down my spine everytime he said it. I felt less than him and I didn't deserve this offer but I accepted it anyways.

I couldn't wait to tell Ashton the great news. I couldn't believe this just happened, boys hated me, they would never ask me out, especially hot ones.

I went over to Ashton's house and his mom greeted me, "Hi Mrs. Irwin."

"Hi, your Emma right, Ashton's girlfriend?"

"No," I said blushing "We're just friends."

"Oh...okay, Ash isn't here he's at his treehouse. It's a few blocks away from here you won't miss it."

"Thank you."


The treehouse could be one of the wonders of the world. It had different designs and patterns on the wood, windows that looked brand new and shiny glass ornaments hung from the rooftops as a wind chim blew in the wind.

I walked to the ladder were I saw Ashton on the top carving something into wood with a knife.

"Hey Ash!" I waved at him.

"Hey, how'd you find me?"

"Your mom."

"Well, climb aboard then."

I climbed up the ladder and sat right next to him.

"Cool treehouse." I said looking around.

"Thanks Em, my dad and I built it when I was six."

Ashton never spoke about his dad begore and I never asked him. I had a feeling that it was a sensitive topic.

"If you don't mind me asking what happened to him?"

"He died in a car crash." Ashton said putting down the knife and dusting the wood shards off of him.

"Oh, Ash well I'm so sorry to hear that, I know how it is, my dad left me."

"Can I tell you something? I really love my dad but I hate him."

I had no idea what that meant. How could you love someone but hate them?

"My dad's a huge jerk, he divorced us and a few weeks later he got another woman."

"Oh I'm sorry Em." I loved that nickname, I never had one before and well this one I got from Ashton.

We both sat in silence until he broke it.

"Anyways enough of that shit, come into my lair," he giggled as I stepped into the actual treehouse which was filled with paintings.

"Did you paint them?" I questioned, looking closely at them.

"Some, my dad painted most of them, he loved to draw." He said focusing at a painting which illustrated a little boy and his mother who I assumed was him and his mom.

He wanted to burst down into tears. I knew how hard life was for him now.

"So which ones are yours?" I asked hoping to take his mind off of his dad.

He walked to the center of the treehouse and took a cloth off of an easel to show me his latest artwork.

It was really weird but cool at the same time. It was a face, black and white, it had dark marks underneath the eyes, the mouth was sewed shut and alot of patterns were drawn on the face. The lady had long, black hair.

"Who's this?"

"She ruined my life."

I became curious to know about the life of Ashton Irwin but I was too afraid to ask anymore questions.

"So you play?" I said pointing to the drumset at the back of the room.

"Yeah, my dad taught me."

Ashton loves his dad, no matter what he said I knew he loved him.


Yesterday I didn't get to tell Ashton so I decided to tell him today. He sat in the back of the school underneath a shady tree where I joined him.

"Ash! Guess who asked me to the fair?" I said in an excited tone.

"Who?" He asked curiously.

"Brandon, I told him yes and I can't believe he asked me out of everyone, me......." I sighed as I went into a daydream.

Ashton looked at the grass, then at me and did that twice.

"But I thought we were going together......." his voice trailed off.

"But I thought the deal was, if we couldn't get date we'd go together.......I'll tell Brandon no if you want."

"No, don't do that." he said sternly "I mean you go and have fun." he said disappointed.

I did not want to cancel my date with Brandon considering I actually got a boy who everyone wanted, but I also did not want to leave Ashton by himself. So I decided that since Ashton gave me his permission I should just go along with it.

Was my decision a wise one?


Thanks for reading, lovely.




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