- sept -

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Ashton suggested that I stay home until the drama dialed down at school, but until then I could just relax. He wanted to take me out to some surprise destination. We did not have our driver's license at the time, so we had to go on Ashton's bike.

We ran out my house like two crazy people and we tried to get on the bike. I sat there on the seat and he climbed on. His stomach was behind my head as we were about to take off. I held on to the handle bars when he then put his hands on mine. It felt like electricity rushing through the veins in my hand as I quickly slid my hands out from underneath his and we took off.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked curiously but he just giggled and smiled, "In time you'll see."

I was really excited to see what he had planned out. All he said was to wear short pants but I did not have the legs to pull that off, I could not risk anyone seeing my scars, so I wore pants that reached my knee.


I closed my eyes and stretched my hands out with my hair blowing in the ocean wind and Ashton standing right beside me.

"Surprise Em!" Before he could say anything again I wrapped my arms around him as he gave me one of his warm hugs.

I inhaled the fresh, ocean breeze as Ashton pulled me towards the shore.

"Come on!" He shouted as he splashed water on me.

Well I did get back at him and we spent the day at the beach playing water fight like two, little five year old kids.

"Ashton put me down!" I screamed as he lifted me up and I was trying to escape.

"Alrighty then," he said with a cute, little grin on his face as he threw me in the water.

He giggled uncontrollably when I got out of the water and then followed me. I just loved his cute little giggle.

"I didn't mean harm Em," he said repenting his actions.

I bent down and took up this huge bucket filled with water and dumped it on his head.

"Payback!" I shouted, laughing.

Ashton pouted his face and folded his arms as I looked him in the eyes it was so hard for both of us to keep a serious face.

Then a van playing this ear catching tune passed by.

"Ice-cream. I want it, come on!" Ashton shouted grabbing my wrist.

When we finished our ice-cream up taking a walk on the beach. Ashton started flirting with me as I punched him in the shoulder. It was cheesy as fųck, but cute at the same time.

"Ouch!" He shouted as he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him.

His forehead touched mine as I felt the warmth of his breath hitting my face. He put his arms around my waist pulling me in by the minute he leaned in closer and cupped my cheek with his one of his hands and I realized his other hand was hidden behind his back. He was up to something. But before I could have moved he striked.

"Ha!Ha! Payback." He mocked as I realized that he threw sand all over me.

"Ugh!" I screamed, bending down and gathering the most sand I could ever possibly hold in my hands and throwing it right at him.

I started running as fast as I could. Ashton chased me until he caught me, he wrapped his arms around me and started tickling me, until I could not breathe.

He rested his chin on my head where he placed a soft kiss I could barely breath, as my heart started racing.

A lot of people were staring at us, but this time I could not care less because, when I was with Ashton it felt like a fairytale. I closed my eyes as for once in my life, I actually felt like I had a life and something worth living for.


Thanks for reading this cheesy shit update. I just love Ashton.

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