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Ashton's POV

I think I'm falling in love with Emma. We went downstairs to hang out in my backyard. The wind blew in her brown hair as she closed her eyes, taking in the scenery.

"Ash, thanks for letting me stay here I really appreciate it." she said to me.

Her voice was like medicine I would hear it and instantly feel better. She wrapped her arms around my back her head rested on my chest and I heard her sniffle.

"Emma I don't like hearing you cry." I said pulling her away from me. I cupped her face with my hands and looked into her hazel eyes. She gazed at me looking helpless, breathing quickly. I moved my face closer, gazing at her red lips just wanting to taste them "Ash, I-----" she mumbled taking a few steps back.

Emma's POV

My mind is very confused. I love Ashton but do I love him as my boyfriend?

I know we love each other, but falling in love?

Just not my thing.

Falling in love will change everything. The kiss in the rain would always dwell in the back of my mind and I promised to myself that I will never let it happen again.

"Ash thanks for letting me stay here, I really appreciate it." I told him wrapping my arms around his back. My head was pressed against his chest and I heard his heart beating fast. Tears trickled down my face when I remembered everything that happened with my mom.

Grace should have let me died.

Why the fûck did she save me?

Why can't Ashton and I just be friends?

I wanted to tell him about my hallucination but I just could not.

"Emma I don't like hearing you cry." he whispered softly into my ears pulling me away from him.

His hands held my cheeks and he came on closer. The sunlight shone in his hair, making the strands look like gold as his pink lips moved closer. They looked so kissable and I was falling under his spell.

"Ash, I----" responded taking a few steps away from him. I wanted to kiss him so badly but, I did not want our friendship to be over. I turned my face away when three voices popped out of nowhere.

"Sup' love birds " Calum shouted, they walked out of the house to join us.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"We came to see you mate."

"Pssh...... no not really we're just bored as balls." Michael laughed and Luke punched him on the shoulder.

Ashton's mom came out with pizza and a bowl of potato chips.

"Oh pizza! Gimme!" Michael yelled running towards Anne-Marie.

"Guys since you're not up to anything how about you wash my car?"

'Water fight' Calum mouthed "Will we get a payload?"

"Of course Calum."

"Okay, sure then Mrs. Irwin."

We ran to the garage and Ashton pulled out the hose, I emptied soap into a bucket and he fulled it with water.

"Hey guys I found the toys." Michael said bringing out these water guns from the garage. I was washing the car when someone squirted water on me.

"Fùck!" I turned around to see Ashton giggling, looking innocent.

I took the whole bucket of water and dumped it on his head. We snickered, Ashton pouted at me. Everyone joined in and I ended up getting chased .

"Let's get her!" Calum yelled, I ran around the car and they chased me until Ashton caught me by the back of my waist.

"I got her!" he lifted me off the the ground. He pressed his body against mine tightly, squeezing the living daylight out of me. I tugged on his hands that gripped my stomach trying to escape.

"Put me down Ash!"

"Never." He giggled. They all squirted water on me and I screamed.

"What's going on out here?" Ann Marie shouted, looking at us.

"Nothing." We all said freezing to the spot not moving a single inch.

"I hope you're doing my job, I'm not paying you to soak Emma."

"Yeah......mum, we're not doing that." Ashton said letting go of me.

Soon as she left us we started back our game. Water was everywhere, on the windows and roof even on the neighbour's car. Eventually it became night and the boys had to leave.


My Dream

I was walking to my old house in California. I opened the door and there were thorns sticking out of the boards on the floor. There were dust, cobwebs and I felt eyes watching me from every direction. I tip toed to my sister's old room, I peeked in the door. I saw a girl in black sitting with her back against the wall. She hid her face between her legs and her red eyes pierced into my soul. She wore torn clothes and blood dripped from her fresh wounds.
I walked towards her and she grabbed my hand and looked up at me. Someone opened the closet door. Bats flew out and I saw my drunkard mother walking out with a bottle in her hand and a knife in the other.

"Get out of here bitch!" She screamed at me.

My foot got stuck in the broken floor board, they both walked towards me. I looked up and saw black shadows encircling the ceiling. They were all yelling at me, blaming me for everything that happened.

End Of Dream

I was screaming my lungs out. My eyes were shut tight, I was tossing and turning. The lights were turned on and I heard Ashton's voice.

"Hey babe, it's just a dream." his hands ran through my hair, opened my eyes and they instantly fell on Ashton with his messy hair and grey T- shirt.

I sat up on the bed and Ashton sat next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder kissing my temple. I wiped my nose.

"Are you okay now?"

"Yeah, Ash sorry for waking you."

"No problem, g'night." he yawned getting off the bed and walking towards the door.

"Ash can you stay with me?" I questioned, tugging on his hand.

He turned around smiling "Of course, I had a feeling you'd ask me too." he smiled.

I shifted around giving him space and I pulled the covers. I came closer to him resting my head on his chest interlocking our fingers. He placed a kiss on my head and nuzzled his head in my hair. I loved Ashton's cuddles, they were so warm and soft. He stroked my arm making my pores raise.

"Can you sing to me, pwease Ash?" I begged.

Ashton sung into my ears, a part of this song

So don't fall in love, there's just too much to lose,
If you're given the choice, then I beg you to choose to walk away, walk away, don't let her get you.
I can't bear to see the same happen to you,
Now, son, I'm only telling you this
Because life can do terrible things.~ Mayday Parade

Softly and sweetly he sung into my ears until I fell fast asleep on his chest.


Well this book got its title from: Terrible Things~ Mayday Parade.

This was boring asf but thank you reading xx.

terrible things :: ashton irwinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora