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I entered into the compound of my new school. Laughter echoed through the building as I walked down the hallway, everyone looked at me and I tried my best not to make eye contact with anyone.

My rules were simple:

1. Try not to be a clumsy bïtch

2. Never make eye contact with teachers or students.

3. And never reveal my life struggles to anyone.

Richmond High School was very different for me. For starters, they wore uniforms, I had to wear a red skirt reaching my knee, a white shirt and for cold days, a red jacket with the school's monogram.

I felt so awkward not knowing anyone there - at least I thought I didn't -

I walked towards my locker opening it and checking my class schedule, when someone tapped me on the shoulder and I jumped.

"Hey it's you again." He spoke.

I recognized that voice immediately. It was that boy, Ashton. Apparently he went to this school.

"You're Ashton right? You startled me for a minute," I paused, "It's my first day, here actually," I said, scratching my head.

"Come on, I'll show you around." he grabbed my arm pulling me towards the door.

"That's the new girl." Jessica whispered, looking at me in disgust.

Jessica Collins was apparently the queen bee of the school. Her parents were managers at some record label or so I've been told.

"I've heard that her dad kicked them out of the house, so she moved here." Her friend, Alexis grinned.

"Yeah and look who she's hanging out with, the other freak, such a cute little couple." Maddie laughed.

"What's his name again? A-Ash---Ashton"

They all said laughing right at our faces, giving us the dirty looks. The trio was unbreakable and I felt unwanted in their presence. The bumped into my shoulder on purpose, one after the other and I just wanted to cry.

Ashton whispered into my ear "Don't bother with them they, all talk pure shit." I tried nit to let it get to me, but I couldn't help but care what they all said.

"So what's your first period? Mine's Biology." He asked.

"Uh......so is mine." I replied.

"Okay cool, let's go."

We entered the class and Ashton walked to the furthest seat in the back and sat down.

"You must be our new student, Ms. Anderson," Ms. Burks exclaimed.

"Yeah, that's me." I said shyly.

Her eyes skeemed through the class, looking for an empty seat to put me in.

"Okay, so your lab partner will be Mr. Irwin." Ashton heard his name being called and instantly snapped out of dreamland, his eyes were fixed on me when I sat by seat closest to him.

"Fųck yeah, now we're partners." he whispered to me and smiled, raising his hand to give me a high-five.

"Hey, so can I come over like after school? We can hang out." he questioned, waiting for an answer.

I rarely got asked hang out with anyone, but I got so used to it I'd rather be alone now.

"Okay sure." My mind said no, but my mouth said yes. There was no backing out of this now.


I threw my bag on the floor and collapsed on my bed. Life was awful ever since my dad left. My mom and grandmother would constantly fight, and life just got nowhere. She would constantly be drinking just to ease the pain and I knew that she was going through alot.

I watched my wrists and stared at my scars. My skin felt so soft and looked innocent, and I could not bare to see that. Temptation struck me and I grabbed the razor blade in my draw. Someone knocked on the door.

"Hey Emma it's me Ashton. Can I come in?" His voice sounded muffle.

"Coming!" I shouted, wiping my face, hiding the razor blade and then proceeded to open the door.

"So uh.....do you wanna stay here or go out?"

"I don't know." I said anxiously, trying to get into the right state of mind.

"How about the movies? I heard Guardians Of The Galaxy is badãss"

"Me too, I love Marvel. In my opinion DC Nation sucks."

"Same." He sighed.


Ashton shoved popcorn in his mouth and his eyes were glued unto the movie screen. "Aren't you gonna eat that?" He asked.

To be honest, I wasn't, I was just a fat pig who needed to loose weight.

"Don't tell me you're the kinda girl who worries about her weight." his eyes glistened.

"No I'm not." I lied, taking a handful of popcorn and shoving it into my mouth, and just to prove him wrong I took from his bag.

"That's better," he grinned. I felt his hand rest on top of mine and I had no idea what to do. Should I move mine? But it felt good, so I let it be.

I just thought he was rushing things.

This was different for me, I never had a boyfriend or a boy as a friend so this was cool.

"I am Groot." Ashton said with a stern voice walking out of the theater. I laughed but he stood there with a serious face.

"What?" I asked, wiping the grin off my face.

"You look really beautiful when you laugh."

"No, my laugh is beyond annoying, at least that's what I think." I blushed, feeling slightly awkward.

"Whatever, your opinion that does not make it a fact." he said.

"Aw......thanks Ash." I giggled.

"Ash, I like it when you call me that." he smiled.

I could sense that there was something different about him and this was the start of a beautiful friendship.

"I had a good time tonight, suprisingly"

"Me too." he replied.

"Emma since you had a good time do you want to go to the school fair with me? If you don't get a date and I don't either we can go as friends" he paused, " Only and hang out, we don't need to go as a cou---"

"Yeah, sure deal."

I just hoped I wasn't rushing into anything.


Guardians of the Galaxy was badass. Seriously. Shut up that's a fact not an opinion.




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