we all saw this coming...

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Hey you guys. Please read through this, it would mean a lot.

I am honestly overwhelmed with all of the love this fic has been getting. You all are incredibly supportive and sweet, and I am so grateful for the comments and votes.

This is sounding sad. Feelings. Ew.

I'll get right to the point- I'm not writing this anymore. It makes me rlly sad because I put so much work into it, but I can't anymore. Here's why-

1. I am so busy bitch

I have like zero free time. I won't be specific but if I'm not doing school stuff, I'm taking music classes or helping with family events. I could try to continue this, but it would let you all down because you would have to wait months for a short update. That's too much for me, and it's not fair to you.

2. I'm not proud of it... kinda

I am proud of the writing I've done... just not what it's about. I've changed a lot from when I started this to now, and it makes me uncomfortable writing it. The members of BTS are real people, and placing them in scenarios that are this romantic and unrealistic about young men I don't know feels wrong to me. I'm not telling anyone else to stop reading or writing fanfics, because this is just my opinion, but I don't feel right writing this kind of stuff anymore.

3. I'm so frickin paranoid!

Ever since I started this, I have been terrified that my family or friends would find out about it. One of my closest friends found it, and she reads fanfics a lot, but I was still mortified. When I imagine my parents finding this on my phone or computer, I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack. I don't want to have this weighing me down every time people even look at my phone. It sounds like I'm being dramatic, but it would be awful for me.

That's about it... if any of you want to continue this,  just pm me and talk to me abt it. Otherwise, I'm probably going to delete this soon. My account will still be up (bc my addiction to reading fanfics will take longer to get rid of XD hELp), but feel free to talk to me whenever! 

I'm sorry to end this, but I couldn't have continued this fanfic any longer. Sorry. Bye everyone!


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