Chapter 5: Moon Madness

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(Y/n) = Your name

(S/c) = Skin color

(H/c) = Hair color

(F/c) = Favorite color

[.....] = Writing/reading

Third Person P.O.V

At the bottom of the hole, everyone found themselves groaning in pain on a pile of rocks. However, emerging from a large pile of rocks, Natsu's head popped out and began looking around. 

Natsu: "Hey! Is everyone ok?" he asked as he climbed out of the pile.

Near Natsu was Happy, Lucy, and Gray slowly sitting up.

Lucy: "I'd be better if you hadn't knocked out the floor!" she yelled at him.

Gray: "Here's a thought! If you think before you act, then you won't cause so much destruction." he also yelled at him.

Natsu: "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's look for a way out of here." he told them.

They looked up the hole they fell from only to see that it was a long way up.

Lucy: "So... can you fly us out of here Happy?" she asked him.

Happy: "No... sorry." he apologized.

Gray: "We're underneath the temple." he pointed out.

Natsu: "Wow! It's a secret cave! This is so cool! Let's go look around guys! Ahahaha!" he said running down a tunnel.

Gray: "Would you quit running around like a crazy person?!" he yelled as he chased after Natsu with Happy flying after him.

Lucy sighed as placed her hand beside her to stand up only to feel something. Looking down, she noticed a rather familiar looking mask.

Lucy: "(Y/n)?" she called out.

(Y/n): "C-Can you return my mask?" he asked nervously.

Turning around, she spotted (Y/n) pulling his hood over his face so that Lucy couldn't see it. On his shoulder was Luana. Lucy only smiled and returned the mask. (Y/n) quickly put it on before looking over to Lucy.

(Y/n): "...did you see?" he asked sounding afraid.

Lucy: "Huh? No." she told him.

He let out a sigh of relief.

Lucy: "You're really shy about showing people your face huh?" she giggled a bit.

(Y/n): "... no. I'm just scared of what other people reaction once they see..." he suddenly said before running down the tunnel.

Lucy: "..." she didn't say anything as she looked as he faded into the tunnel.

She began chasing after him only to spot him standing next to Gray and Happy who seemed to have waited for them.

Gray: "What took you so long? Come on, let's hurry before that idiot does something stupid again!" he told them before resuming his chase after Natsu.

(Y/n) followed after him and Happy flew up and landed on Lucy's shoulder as she continued to look at (Y/n).

Happy: "You liiiike him~" he teased.

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