Weird talker

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Seokjin's Pov

"Hope cover Agust I'm bout blow these fuckers down" as I place the last of the bombs around the hotel that is confirmed to be J's hideout gun shots can be heard from the opposing side all around. I knew if I set up a few snipers J and his minions would automatically prepare for a shoot out what they aren't expecting are the hundreds of hidden bombs I've been placing around for weeks with lots of inside help.

"Got it boss all surrounding perimeters have been evacuate J won't see it coming…"

"h-h-help me p-pwease" A little voice whimpers in the corner as soft cries can be heard from the alley. I catch a glimpse of pastel pink and a teddy bear before the fire that I set up as a distraction to lure the enemy beside J's warehouse goes off.


You said all civilians had been cleared."

" King I swear we searched all around the hotel and warehouse. All those who are innocent would have left after the first round of gunshots." Hope yells while covering  Agust from shots as he blocks all access to data services, GPS signals, and electricity towers within a 50 mile radius.

I rush over to the sound of the whimpers not wanting to be the reason someone innocent got killed. I may be a mafia leader but even I have standard's the only reason I'm blowing this shithole down is because J is the leader of the Kim mafia,the second most deadly mafia right after mine. J is power hungry manipulative bastard who thinks he can have anything he wants just because he has connections in the Americas. No one has lived after seeing his face, not a soul can recall his name, or even state his age. It's said he's after my mafia. He's been killing off some of my best men, stealing a few of my precious cargoes overseas and even threatening my soon to be wife. No one messes with whats mine, I'll be damned if I let a no name mask wearing freak take my Kingdom.

As I draw near with my gun raised to the corner of the alleyway next to the warehouse Agust sets up the car for immediate getaway while jamming the cctv cameras around our escape routes. I hear Hope calling for me to confirm the release of the bombs but ignore as the crying gets louder. While looking around I quickly spotted a dirty pink baby blanket with faded white bunnies on it. I lift the small blanket to see the most shocking scene of the day.

A teen wearing nothing but dirty pink knee high socks and an oversized holey white t-shirt. Bruises all over his body envelop all over his pale skin. Small and large cuts occupy his tiny trembling frame as he cowers deeper into the corner he was curled up in. Even covered in what looks like blood and mud his skin shines with purity and innocence. I hide my gun as he screams and cries harder.

"What are you doing over here,it's dangerous." I try to say calmly but loud enough to hear over the war war for dominance and screams of terror.

" My Momma w-weft me and t-towd me n-not t-to t-t-talk to stawngewrs " the small boy mumbles in a tiny voice. I swear I'm not gay but my heart low-key went crazy for the weird talking teen.

"Hey listen you need to get out of here I'll take you somewhere safe. There's bad guys who would love to take a little cutie with a pink blanket home." I say and the boy let's out a loud gasp.

" No Not my Bwankie" he exclaims pulling said blanket even closer to him he then looks up with the saddest puppy eyes known to mankind. "If I leave wif y-you will you p-p-p-pwomise not to h-h-uwt me wike my m-m-momma did." The boy says why holding out a pinky.

As I look down at the boy and bend down to be at his level I see pain in his bright brown eyes and automatically forget about my mission to end the Kim mafia. I reach for the discarded teddy bear the boy must have dropped while running from gunshots and hand it to him while holding out my pinky.

" I pinky promise to never hurt you and take you somewhere where you will be a Prince that everyone respects and adores. All I need you to do is come with me so we can get you somewhere safe. Can you do that for me?"

I hear a soft giggle as the teen gives a soft nod stands up and grabs my hand. I carry him bridal style around the corner out of the alleyway and quickly get into the car that had been waiting. Hope and Agust give questioning stares but don't dare to speak a word as the small boy shivers in my lap. As I take off my jacket and wrap it around the teens shivering shoulders careful to not out too much pressure on his wounds I give a slight hand signal to confirm the release of all the bombs that I had forgotten all about.

Luckily the car we are in is sound proof seeing how the boy continues to let out soft giggles that make my heart tingle while being completely oblivious to the destructing not far behind us. As we speed down the escape route I see police lights in the distance and look down only to see the boy with a slight smile.

"What are smiling about little one" I say softly, not wanting to startle the teen. He looks up at me and gives me a half smile with sleepy eyes.

"You said I could be a everwyones P-pwince but I no wanna be everwyones agains."

I look down with a questionable glance the quickly remind myself to ask about what he means about "everyone's again" later.

"If you don't want to be the Prince then what do you want to be."

The small boy looks down with a slight pouty thinking face then quickly looks up at me with bright eyes.

"Hmmmm…...I wanna be your Princess and only yours."


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