A Kingdom Will Fall for ones Legacy

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Kings POV 

After I had finally decided to stop being whipped for the little that is currently in my secret room I got dressed in hopes of catching up on my tight schedule that had been ruined by the horny midget currently curled in a ball. I successfully got some work done and had somehow managed to do something productive for about fifteen minutes until I got bored and curious as to what Kookie was doing. Being nosy I looked at the security cameras installed in the room.I have cameras in all parts of the house just in case some idiot decides to break into the Mafia lord's treasure island aka my home. Currently Kookie is rolling around with the covers nearly suffocating himself I could have sworn he was asleep. Oh well as long as he's quiet we good.

Incoming group message

Sunshine Fucker 🐴
So I see all your meetings this morning got canceled. Did you fuck the little too much last night🍆🍑😜

Yoonji Noona🐱
Namjoon's ugly ass been calling us nonstop because nobody can find you. Make sure to use protection Jackson showed us the kids files you need to be careful👀🍼 

Worldwide Jinnie🖕
Leave me alone we didn't fuck I seen his files too he's perfectly healthy no need to be worried 

Yoonji Noona🐱
If y'all didn't do the devil's tango why the hell you cancel three major meetings with the sponsors from Thailand 

Worldwide Jinnie 🖕 
I don't need to tell you my business I run this shit show 

Sunshine Fucker 🐴
Your life's gonna be a shit show when namjoon finds you and the kid.

Worldwide Jinnie 🖕
Leave me alone Namjoon can't do anything 

Yoonji Noona 🐱
We'll keep Kookie when Namjoon kills you 

Ignoring the message I decide to get my life together and really get to work. Literally ten minutes pass and I can't focus. Something seems off I don't see why there hasn't been any news of J. His businesses are still running and from the looks of it the sex trade they had going on at the warehouse we raided was just moved into one of his clubs. I don't understand why there hasn't been any messages from the Kim mafia,I clearly made a point of letting them know it was me. It seems like everything I did didn't faze them at all. It's like they already knew it would happen…


Running into the secret room I find Jeongguk shaking and crying on the ground with the covers wrapping is body in a small cocoon.
"Kookie what's wrong Daddy's here"
"the v-voices Daddy kookie no wike voices kookies head hurts"
"What voices baby there's no one here?"
"Mean J-jeongguk says Kookie no bewong hewer"
Grabbing the little and holding him tight his loud cries become soft whimpers that turn into quiet snores. I don't understand this small human or what goes on in his corrupted mind. But he somehow managed to attract my attention and make me feel weak. I've never met anyone with such an intriguing aura around them. What is this strange feeling I have

~~ thirty minutes later~~
After making sure Kookie was 100% asleep I tucked him into bed for the third time since our first encounter. The dark silk comforter contrasts perfectly with his pale but slightly bruised skin. Seeing him so calm makes me pray to the Mafia god's that he sleeps long enough for me to actually get work done. Like for real this time.

Walkin out of the secret room I decide to calm Namjoon before he tries to set the house on fire. I have received several messages from my guards that he has been on a rampage ransacking the house looking for me. I leave my office and head upstairs to "our" floor which has Namjoon's bedroom, my bedroom, a kitchen and dining area, of course a living room and plenty of extra rooms I haven't even entered. I find Namjoon in my room on his knees in the closet , I'm assuming searching for a secret door. My clothes have been thrown and torn all around the room. It honestly looks like a tornado had a party. 
"Do you know how much of a dumb fuck your are to not only damage my house but also my favorite Gucci jacket" I scream while holding the torn fabric in my hands. I just might kill a bitch today Hoseok had given me the jacket as a peace offering when he had set my kitchen on fire while allegedly trying to make my birthday dinner with Yoongi. The Sope couple used that lame excuse when everyone in the house knows they were making out on my kitchen counters. 

"I-I can explain I w-was looking for the bugs. Sungmin someone has been spying on us. I found the wires all over my room."
"No need for the lame excuses you were looking for me so you tore up the whole house!" I reach for his throat ready to end this stupid conversation. Namjoon has always been the jealous type and he probably can't stand the fact the Jeongguk is here.
"I swear on my Kim family that I'm telling you the truth. Please listen to me. Don't you think it's weird how J hasn't made a move. According to Minseok no one has seen J since the bombing. They knew we were going to raid them or else why would there have been so many teens running around. If I were J I would have used the teen's as a distraction to get away and that's just what they did. Not to mention you come back with one of them Sungmin for all we know he could be a spy. I've been finding the bugs all over the house, there's no telling how long they've been there."
 By the time Namjoon is done ranting I am shocked by how serious he is I have never once seen him so terrified and the tear stains on his cheeks prove how scared he is. Deciding I'd rather ease his mind now with small lies instead of accepting what I feared to be the truth I do what neither of us is expecting. I pull him in for a kiss on the head that leaves a light pink blush on his cheeks.
"You idiot. I guess you forgot that your fiancé is the leader of the Kingdom mafia. I put the wires there I have cameras and listening devices all around. Do you really think so little of me that I would easily fall for such a silly trick?"
"No but I…"
"No buts you will be punished for this mess you have caused and will regret the second you said yes to being my fiancé now go to your room." 
Namjoom turns to leave with his head low before looking back at me.
"Where's that boy?"
"He is none of your concern."
"What if I'm right though even if J didn't have the bugs planted, what if that boy is working for him? What will you do then?"
"As I said before the matter doesn't concern you, now leave before I lose my temper."
"I am your fiancé and as your fiancé I believe I have the right to be concerned about the man I love."
"YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS! The moment you turned your back on your flesh and blood and came to me you lost all morals for family code. You are nothing more than a pawn I used to get what I wanted and if you really think that that boy is working for J then I'll do to him just what I did to you. I'll pretend to love him give him things no other has ever given to him and win his heart, make him change over to my side and have him help in taking over that pitiful Mafia you came from. I will win this game!"
Namjoon looks at me with tear stained eyes once again. His lips quiver as he straightens his back and looks up to me.
"You can fool everyone else but you can't fool me. I know you used me but that boy will be the end of you.  I can see it now, you're weak for him and you haven't even know him two days and you're already making up sorry excuses for him. You will regret ever letting me go if you leave me for that little slut. Mark my words the Kim mafia will be revived thanks to you and no ones gonna stop him when He wakes up!"
I am completely confused as Namjoon's stares at me with lost eyes that hold complete despair he is pale and almost looks as if his soul has completely left his body.
"When who wakes up? What the hell are you blabbering about?"

"When J wakes up the real King will be revived, he was made for destruction.Your Kingdom will fall to make way for his reign….his Legacy "

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