A bumpy start

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Kings pov:

It takes three hours to get from J's hotel to my mansion. About twenty minutes into the drive the teen that is currently still in my lap starts to let out quiet snores. I don't know what's weirder the fact that he wants to be a princess or the fact that he doesn't even know my name and he's already sitting on my dick. But who am I kidding I can get anybody I want.

"Do you think Namjoon is gonna be ok with you bringing it home?" Yoongi says with a hint of sarcasm.

"Do I look like I care about what Namjoon wants?" I reply

"Why did you freeze after seeing it?" Hope questions

"Why does it matter I was trying to save him" I retort

"Where is it going to stay?"

"What is your plan in taking it in?"

"Do you even know where it's from?"

"What's with all the cuts and bruises?"

"How old is it?"

I finally yell fed up with the questions which causes Hope to swerve almost hitting an old lady and the teen to whimper and grab onto my jacket. I noticed him shivering so I take off my jacket and wrap it around him. He snuggles even closer to me making my heart race. I haven't been this close to any man in a while. I somehow managed to seduce Namjoon once and never needed to touch him again. Even though Namjoon is my fiancé I wouldn't consider myself gay,it's all an act. So why is my heart on fire for this kid in my arms?
"I kinda think he looks cute" Hope mutters under his breath making Yoongi scoff in return.
"Babe he looks like he's twelve and why doesn't he have pants on?"
"You wouldn't suppose he's one of them boys J was trafficking?"
"I don't know but now that you mention it, it would explain the cuts and outfit"
By now I start to listen to their conversation. If this boy somehow escaped from J that means the Kim mafia is probably looking for him. I won't let them take him,he looks so innocent and delicate even covered with cuts and for some unknown reason I'm drawn to him.
"Call Jackson and tell him to be ready with medkit at the house." I say  to Yoongi. I may be crazy but I think I wanna keep this kid.

By the time we pull up in the driveway of my mansion my feet are numb and I have a slight problem between my legs. I have no idea why I picked a house way up in the mountains with a bumpy road. It doesn't help that the teen switched to a straddling position halfway through the trip.

"J should be busy cleaning up the mess at the hotel so he should lay low for awhile" I say "Come back tomorrow with the crew, I need to get this little one cleaned up and fed."

"Don't you think you're being too nice to him?" Yoongi ask.
" I just don't want him to not pass out when I ask him about why he's all beaten up ease off man, I'm starting to think y'all need someone to remind you who's in charge!" I yell which seems to make the boy jolt awake with a cry.

"I-I'm sowwy I d-didn't f-fall to sweep on p-puwpose"

The boy starts trying to pull me closer to him causing his butt to rub all against me.

"Hey now it's okay,I wasn't yelling at you.I didn't mean to scare you."
"So K-Kookie was a good baby b-boy?" the teen ask and I stare down in shock. What the hell have I gotten myself into. I look at my step brother and best friend for help but Yoongi betrays me by cleaning is knife and Hoseok starts looking for some paper he all of a sudden lost.

"Umm yes Kookie was a very good boy. Now let's go so I can get you cleaned up and get you some food." As soon as I mentioned the word food the teen starts bouncing up and down on my lap while clapping his hands."Kookie loves food. The bestest food for the tummy is pizza" I chuckle at his childlike behavior and start to open the door which causes the boy to let out a squeak. "E-Excuse me sir b-but someting is poking Kookie." I quickly slide him off of me and open the door before reaching my hand to grab Kookie and hightail it away from the car that's filled with loud laughter and into the house. Before I can close the door Hoseok yells
"I bet five million you fuck him before the end of the week." I shake my head and slam the door.
"Sir what's fuck? It sounds cool, can we try and fuck? Kookie likes tw-ying new things." I look down at the small boy and nearly faint when he takes my silence the wrong way and starts yelling "I get to fuck Mr. Wide Shoulders!"
I notice a figure coming down the stairs but am to distracted my Kookie doing a little dance to care about whoever it is.

" So you go on a mission and bring back a dirty whore?" Namjoon ask in a harsh voice. This causes Kookie to quit dancing and run over and hide behind me.
"I would prefer if you minded your own business and learn your place before you call anyone a whore."

"Sungmin I am your fiancé, I think I should be worried when some dirty little slut wearing a t-shirt and knee high socks dances around my man talking about fucking!" this last remark makes Kookie start crying in which I quickly pick him up bridal style,walk past Namjoon without even acknowledging his presence, and head up to the secret room hidden in my office. No one knows about this room, not even Hoseok, so I plan on making this Kookie's. I sit the teen down and walk into the adjoining bathroom to start him a nice warm bath filled with bubbles. I wanted to put him in the shower but considering the way he started crying harder when I asked what temperature he wanted I decided against it. "Hey look buddy that man out there can't hurt you so you can stop crying now." "B-but be said K-Kookie was a S-slut and a w-whowre"
" He was just mad at me because I haven't gave him any attention in a month. Now can you get undressed and bathed while I find you some clothes to wear?" Kookie then gives a slight nod and proceeds to stare at the bubbles in the water.

"Sowwy sir but Kookie is kinda s-scawred umm can you p-pwease help me?"
"Um do you want me to help bathe you?" he nods and shamefully looks away.

I start by bending down to pull his socks off and can't help but notice all the cuts that look like whip marks on his legs. I then glace up to see him with a pale pink hint to his cheeks as I start to raise his shirt up. Once I stand up and get his shirt off all the way I finally see all the faint and dark bruises that cover his small frame. Without thinking I lightly touch a bruise just below his shoulder blade and a small tear escapes from my eye. Why would anyone want to hurt someone so beautiful and pure? My thoughts are interrupted by Kookie  turning around and looking up at me with innocently bright eyes.
"Can I pway with the bubbles now?" "Sure thing sweetie,get in" Kookie giggles at the new name and holds my hand as I help him into the tub. As I roll up the sleeves of my shirt and start lathering up a towel with strawberry smelling soap,Kookie starts splashing around and squealing making me laugh at the cuteness overload. I only met this boy today but I can already tell my life will never be the same. I just hope I can remain as ruthless and cold a leader as I was before.

Authors note
Hey you whoever you are thanks for reading this book I have lots of plans for my story and really hope you are enjoying it. I only ask that you lower your standards just a bit while reading it. Also don't expect anything too wild to happen just yet the real fun will come later.
See you next chapter😜

Also look at my manz being cute as hell.I'll let you guess who my bias is he's the cutest out of the three.

I'll let you guess who my bias is he's the cutest out of the three

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