The Truth of the Past

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Kings POV 

"So you're telling me that you think Jeongguk is hiding something?" Yoongi asks me once I'm done explaining the details from what happened at home and up until now. Jeongguk is sleeping in the living room while we converse over a glass of wine. 

"This is exactly why I gambled all that money away, I knew there was something funny about him" " Hobi, you and I both know that you gambled that money for your own personal need and that's something Yoongi will have to deal with but for now I come first, I'm really confused and that's not good. Like how can he just change so suddenly it's like there are multiple personalities."
"You do realize that for each age he regresses to there might be a different personality. How do you expect a four year old and a 16 year old to have the same mindset?"
"Okay,Yoongi, nobody asked for your opinion or sass it's not my fault you chose a moneywhore as your husband but that still doesn't explain what happened in the shower not too long ago when he went from submissive and kinky to little and innocent really quick."
"Not gonna lie that's probably because your horny ass scared him. Just wait until that little bitch you call your wife finds out you were getting freaky with a midget." Hoseok says while pouting I might have went a little bit too hard by calling him a moneywhore."Either way I don't want you guys digging up about him or his past anymore, if there's something he's hiding I will find it out without wasting any money. Did you even find out anything worth five billion dollars?"

The room fills with an annoyingly infuriating silence, I start to pour myself another glass of wine it's not until the blood red liquid is pouring off the kitchen counter that Hoseok decides to answer. 
"Listen we're friends right and some friends make big mistakes, this might have been a big one." 
"So you're saying you found nothing?" " No I'm saying I found nothing we didn't already know  about Jeongguk but before you shoot me for my foolishness when I was trying to get information I found out that J's second in command has been running the Kim mafia since the incident we caused. I'm talking all the private events, businesses, and international organizations, also word on the street is J hasn't been in charge and running things for over a year. Seems to me like the Kim mafia is hiding something about their ever so amazing leader, they're just using his power and influence to keep up the big name."
" So who is this bigshot that's taken J's place?" 

"Park Jimin"

Jimin's POV 
At the Kim residence 

It's been over a year since I last saw J and things are starting to take a wrong turn. The plan was simple I start a sex ring to get more international alliances in hopes of making Yoongi remember our dark past and come back to our side then he would help me find out where J is and we would become the strongest mafia ever. It would've been better if Namjoon hadn't of fallen in love with King. None of this would have happened, I wouldn't have lost Yoongi and J wouldn't be missing. I don't even think missing is the right word for it. He's not gone just not necessarily available right now and it's getting harder to tell when he'll be back. Before J left we had a little disagreement, conflicting mindsets in other word. J was mad because he didn't like drugs that were used for pure excitement, he'd rather do without the dark side of the mafia and hurt others with ones own demons. He was trying to be like the Kingdom mafia and I did not stand for it, how can one be a leader if he doesn't want to get down and dirty? He just hides himself  behind that stupid mask and pretends like he's some saint that only kills those who have done wrong. He looks at the bigger picture rather than focusing on the moment. That's why when he left he didn't look back he was too worried about bettering the future.

Flashback one year ago three months before J's disappearance

"J, you can not expect me to take control of everything so that you can run away from us!"
" I'm not running away, I'm finding answers! I don't care if you don't want to take over you're the one who made the mistake of starting a sex ring and now I'm the one who has to fix it. Your mind is too ignorant to handle business like this. Jimin do you realize how bad you messed up? King is on to us and now I have to find a way to keep this Kim name from being exploited."

I watched as J packed bags of all the paperwork he'd be working on about King into his car. J is going to to leave for a while in order to find out about his past and he expects me an addict to run things while he's gone. He strongly opposed my idea on sex trafficking but left it up to me to decide whether or not to do it. 
" I'm doing this so we can get stronger."
"No you're doing this so that you can feel better about what happened to you when you were younger! Jimin I hope you don't become like my father but it's your decision. I'm going to find out why things are the way they are in order to help you and change the way Mafia's run. King holds all the answers I'm sure of it!"
With that he left never to be seen again.

Our relationship was never the best but he always promised me he would change all the corruption in the world that ruined the Kim family and that's one reason why I stood by his side. But as the days pass I seem to only be making it worse, without him being here there's no one to control me. 
Our men keep dying and many are being forced to go into hiding since King is destroying our businesses. There's no up from here if J doesn't come back. He left to find the secrets to the Mafia world and why things had to be the way they are, like why was he created to be such a bloodthirsty monster and how did King become so powerful without being corrupted. 

I just hope he figures out the answer and finds my love while he's at it.
It's been so long since I've seen him.
He was wrongfully taken from me by one who shall not be named 
I treated him the best and gave him everything the world could offer
He told me he left because he didn't love me but I know he did. I've loved him for years and he's the one that saved me.
My sweet wonderful silent but deadly prince….

Kim Min Yoongi

Park Jimin

Age:18J's second in command and right hand manHas been in charge of the Kim mafia for over a yearEssentially in charge of all the shady businesses the Kim mafia runsSaid to be the reason why the Kim mafia became crooked Extremely jealous Overly ob...

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J's second in command and right hand man
Has been in charge of the Kim mafia for over a year
Essentially in charge of all the shady businesses the Kim mafia runs
Said to be the reason why the Kim mafia became crooked 
Extremely jealous 
Overly obsessive
Pathological liar 
Dislikes: Rules and the law, anyone that defies him, everyone from the Kingdom mafia 
Likes: drugs,alcohol, sex and Min Yoongi 

Authors note
I am extremely sorry for the long wait I've been trying to finish up college work and take care of a toddler during the down now that schools out and daycare is closed. I will be posting more regularly since I have gotten for used to my new schedule.  Feel free to comment any concerns or questions about anything you feel I can do better with the story. I hope everyone is staying safe and forget to wash your hands.  I love you all and thank you for reading

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