Just warehouse things

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Kookie POV

Mr. Wide Shoulders is really nice. I can't believe he's helping me right now. I wonder if he'll be my Daddy? I've never had a daddy before. I never want to have a mommy ever again. Mommy was mean and let all those nasty men hit me and touch me and that's not nice. I hope I don't have to see the egg looking guy again. I think his name was Namjoon. I don't think Daddy likes him. Oops I'm not supposed to say daddy yet. Oh well. Right now Daddy is putting pink stuff in my hair. It smells like strawberries. I wonder if it tastes like stawbewries I should ask.

"Uh-uhm sir w-what are you puttin in my haiwr? It smells weally yummy can I try it"
"I don't think you want to try this bud it's shampoo,it helps clean your hair so you can smell all nice and fresh."
"But I like stwaburies"
"But I don't want you to get sick sweetie I'll get you some real strawberries when you eat ok?"
I nod at least he's gonna feed me. I look at Mr. Wide Shoulders,he's really cute. It looks like he has tattoos on his neck and chest but I can't tell. I wanna see though.

"So Kookie, what's your real name?"
"Umm Mommy said it was Jeongguk but I don't like that name when I was a good boy for my Mommy she would give me a cookie so  I choose to be Kookie cause Kookie is a good boy."
"Where is your Mommy?" Mr. Shoulders says while running the towel over my  back and belly. It tickles and I giggle causing him to smile and laugh, He has a really funny laugh almost like a hiccup.
"She weft me at the warehouse,she's coming back tho I don't wanna go back there ever again.P-please don't s-send me back I-I-I'll be good I pwomis." I didn't mean to cry but I did and Mr. Wide Shoulders quickly pulled me into a tight hug and rubbed my head.
"Hey baby don't cry. I won't make you go back to the warehouse, you can stay with me from now on. Nobody will hurt you okay"
I look up at him and try to breathe normally. My tummy hurts when he holds me. He lets me sit back down in the water and scratches his neck.
"Kookie I need to clean your bottom half now. I'm going to be touching your princess parts just let me know if you want to do it yourself."
I nod my head.I wonder why he's telling me.I'm used to people touching and looking at me there. He's really gentle with me I've never met someone so nice. After he gets all of the dirt and blood off of me he wraps me up in a nice warm towel and brings me to the bedroom.
"I'm going to go get you some food and clothes to wear. So do not leave the room under any circumstances do you understand"
"Y-yes sir"

King's POV
I can't believe I just bathed a grown ass boy. While I was bathing him I couldn't help but notice what looked like burn marks and a small ID number on the back of his neck,-J91-. I'm starting to think he was one of the kids J was trafficking.Jeongguk can't be no older than sixteen and with how at ease he was while I was bathing him I can only imagine the things he was having to do for sick bastards. As I step outside of the hidden room I call up Jackson to make sure he's ready for Jeongguk. I want him to have a full medical evaluation and also get his cuts taken care of.

Incoming message
From:Sunshine Fucker🐴
Yoongi wanted to know if you got that boys name yet so he can try to find any missing children reports

To: Sunshine Fucker🐴
It's Jeongguk forgot to ask about last name. Do me a favor and order some clothes and a phone for him.

From: Sunshine Fucker🐴
Why so I have to order stuff for your new sugar baby

To: Sunshine Fucker🐴
He is not my sugar baby. Do you want me to cut your check

From: Sunshine Fucker🐴
Hey man don't do your bestie like that clothes will be there in the morning. Night fuckface try not to fuck him too hard 😘

I swear if Yoongi wasn't married to Hoseok he'd be dead by now. Best friend or not he's a freak.I head to the closet in my office and grab a hoodie, boxers, and socks then step outside the office to get the food from a servant that's standing outside the door. I tell her to bring me some strawberries and can hear the sound of muffled giggles. I wonder why he acts so childlike I'll need to look it up. Once the servant comes back with the strawberries I lock the door and head back into the hidden room. I had left the door open a crack so I quietly sneak back in the room to see Jeongguk jumping on the bed naked.
"Mister that is not what we do on beds especially without clothes on." I say in a stern voice which causes him to quickly stop jumping and sit on the bed.
"I was just twying to touch the roof" hes says in a small voice that's so cute I coo. Eww. Get it together King. I walk over and place the food on the bed and stand in front of him.
"After I get you dressed I want you to eat all your food and then you can have your strawberries."
I put on his socks and then try to put on the boxers which lead him to start kicking at me.
"I don't wanna put boxers on"
"You are not running around here without clothes Kookie"
"I am too! I don't like boxers and nobody is here!"
I am beyond surprised as the once quiet and timid boy proceeds to try and run away from me and the boxers while yelling at me. I swiftly pick him up much to his objection and throw him on the bed. I straddle his waist and I get the hoodie on.
"Get off of me Mr. Wide Shoulders. I don't wanna put no clothes on!"
"If you keep the hoodie on I'll let you eat some strawberries before you eat your food."
This seems to calm him down so I get off of him and hand him some strawberries. He happily munches down on them and I lay down on the bed and close my eyes. I have ran too much for one day. Luckily my hoodie looks like a dress on Jeongguk or he'd be wearing the boxers. I feel him crawl on top of me and straddle me. I glance up when he slowly starts rocking back and forwards on me.
"Kookie what are you doing?"
"Massaging you. Whenever someone lays down this is what you do."
"Kookie stop you don't need to be doing that." I say as I feel my pants become tighter underneath him. I slide him off of me and head out to my office for some fresh  air. Before I leave I glance at the small boy on my bed. He looks at me with a sweet smile and eats another strawberry.
"Kookie where did you learn to massage people  like that?" I ask gently so he doesn't think I'm mad.
"At the warehouse of course silly." He says with a giggle.

" He says with a giggle

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