switching personalities

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~~To love is to be afraid
for you cannot have love without fear~~

Kings pov

Things that a mafia leader should never feel. It's a sign of weakness and shows you don't have what it takes to be a leader.

 So why am I  feeling it now? After I told Jeongguk he could have whatever he wanted he took off. Running in the store with a basket. The once shy and quiet teen ran off in the spacious store like he had no other care in the world. I try calling his name and attempt to chase after him but his small stature caused him to blend in with the colorful surroundings even while wearing dark clothing. 
I begin to freak out once I can no longer hear his soft giggles and footsteps. What if he ends up like Taehyung, gone within a flash.
 I can't lose him again. Fear is what makes humans so vulnerable I can't be like this.

No Seokjin  he isn't Tae get yourself together 

Before I can call my men to search the place and all security cameras around the area I see a bunch of workers pushing carts to the lobby area of the store. I begin to follow and spot my careless little grinning from ear to ear.

"I suggest if you want to be able to walk on your own you get your ass over here NOW!"

Without hesitation the small teen runs to me. I quickly grabbed his hand and yank him towards the direction of the door. Nodding to the workers to pack up everything to be sent home.

There's no complaining nor crying, just an eerie silence.
As we make it to the car I open the back door and turn to face Jeongguk. 
"What made you think it was a good idea to run off? Do you not care about getting taken again!"  Do you want J to FIND YOU? What you did was extremely dangerous and if you ever do it again you won't live to see another day. Do you realize how completely ignorant you were to run around a store filled with strangers, you could have easily gotten lost or kidnapped? I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU AGAIN!"
I became so caught up in my emotions I didn't realize Kookie was sobbing and having a hard time making words. Jeongguk looked up at me with tear stained eyes filled with pain and confusion and reached up for me with grabby hands. He looked so lost as to why I was yelling and no longer had a glint of happiness in his eyes.
He looked pained while clutching onto me while balling his eyes out. 
Forgetting about getting onto him I picked him up and tried to calm his breathing down holding onto him while fearing I had just traumatized him.
"Shhh it's going to be okay buddy Daddy just got scared you can't run off like that, Daddy didn't mean to yell." Sitting down in the back seat of the car I tried to rock him to the best of my abilities in Hope's of calming him. His loud cries became soft whimpers as I lulled him to sleep by humming a soft tune. 
"D-da-da... sowwie" I hear Kookie say as he drifts to sleep in my arms.
 I am confused and mad at myself for making him cry but his shifting personalities are worrisome. To go from shy and reserved to a rambunctious and carefree state in a matter of hours is rather unexplainable even for someone who regresses. I feel as if there's something that Jeongguk or Kookie is hiding that has yet to be dealt with. 
I realize that now my plans to get him fitted for a suit has to be postponed until he becomes more stable in new environments.
Not wanting to go home I try to as quietly and gently as possible transfer the sleeping little from my arms into the car and get him buckled up to prepare for a new journey…..
To Yoongi and Hobi's house. 
The little sleeps peacefully in the back as I drive the semi-long way to their house to ruin their evening. 

As I drive up to the house honestly it's more like a vampire castle, I never understood why Yoongi was into goth mansions or how Hoseok is able to put up with it with their ever so conflicting personalities,I am greeted with sounds of yelling coming from the garage. Grabbing my gun I quickly lock the door to the car and head in to investigate. 
"How could you gamble five billion dollars worth of stocks over information on the kid we saved from J? Do you realize how invaluable that boy is to us!" " You do realize I did this so that my best friend, your brother doesn't make a mistake by taking him in!" 
"No Hoseok! You did this so you could have fun quenching your little addiction. What, you didn't think I'd find out that you've been spending all the money we get?" 
"Okay maybe I did so what we earned that money I have a right to use it to get information on the mafia we worked our ass off to build, for all we know that teenager could be working with the Kim mafia and King is  just too ignorant to accept that fact. You see that boy and how much he's changed Seokjin. I can't just sit back and watch! He looks like he could be Taehyu…." 
Fed up with conversation I aim my gun in between the two and fire sending a bullet into the papers that Yoongi was holding. 

"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT SAYING THAT NAME! I don't know why you guys feel the need to mention him but someone better start talking before I start aiming for in between your eyes!"

Tha garage is silent as the two look at me in terror. I lower my gun and walk up to the couple ready to pounce.

"I don't care if I'm interrupting. I have some questions I need answered and I'm not going to ask twice." 

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