A corrupted mind

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Jeongguk's POV

Let me tell you if someone would have told me two days ago that a tall handsome rich bad guy would save me from that stupid underground sex/ drug ring thing I was in, I would've died of laughter. But dang I can't believe it. The whole time I was in the dumb warehouse I never fully slipped into my little space because I knew it wasn't safe. When I slip it's hard for me to revert back and I usually have to have some type of stimulation or even trauma. I don't know how I ended up at the warehouse one day I'm swinging in the park with my friend Minnie and the next thing I know I'm tied up in a van full teens crying for help. When we arrived at the warehouse everyone received a "Mommy" that would be the ones to take care of us until we were deemed fit for selling. I tried to be strong and protect the others and I kept the act up until I witnessed Minnie get killed for not letting an old guy "play with his baby boy",I realized then it was either be little or get killed. The things the so called doctors of the warehouse would do to me was never like what they did to the other littles. It was like I was special, they would hurt me just enough to were I'd start really slipping into my little space and then they'd send me to my mommy and I'd have to watch the others get beaten or have sex with weird guys. I never wanted Kookie to feel the pain but after what had to be three years of being locked in that hell hole I began to lose hope. I would act up just so the guys that guarded the warehouse would notice me and hopefully punish me like they did everyone else. I know it's crazy but Kookie wanted attention and something else in me craved to be hurt like the other littles. I can't recall how managed to regress to my little stage again. I remember hearing the guards report about an attack in the north side of the warehouse afterwards all the little were sent to a storage room. We were told not to leave the room unless we wanted to be killed. I had my blankie with me but my shirt didn't keep me warm at all. I remember peeking out of the storage room to look for the guards and then there was a large boom. How I ended up with this guy is all a blur. Sadly when I'm in my little headspace I can't remember anything that happened while I was little. 

When I came back to my senses moments ago I felt extreme euphoria only to look down and see a gorgeous man with his finger up my ass. I'm guessing it was too much pain for Kookie which caused my inner self to come back. The man before me looked like a God. The way his plump lips made an innocent pout but his fingers still ravaged my virgin hole I couldn't help but cum. Something in me knew he was my Daddy even if technically he was Kookies's Daddy I still felt as if I had known this man for years. I tried to play it off and even acted as Kookie would act pretending to fall asleep so that I could keep my shit together. The man left after cleaning me up and giving me a kiss on the head. When I heard the door close signaling he was gone I let put a breath I didn't know I was holding
I'm scared. Like what am I supposed to do here,why am I here, and what was Kookie doing to get such a fine man. While observing the room from the bedI decide to be nosey.  I don't know how long or what it'll take for me to get back into headspace but I might as well look around while I can. Wrapping the covers around me I begin my journey into the great unknown.

First things I realize from look around is number one this man hella rich he got big ass bed,a TV/living room area,and a humongous bathroom.
From what I can tell there are more rooms besides this but it's beautiful.
My only problem is the colors there's too much black it makes me feel sad and gloomy.

I wonder where Daddy is?

That's not what you should be worried about 

Am I allowed to call him Daddy even though he's Kookies's?

No you don't deserve him.

Will he accept me or will he only like Kookie?
What if he only like Kookie and makes me leave?

Why would he accept someone as broken as you 

I don't wanna leave I wanna stay I DESERVE TO STAY

With all these questions and voices running around my head I begin to wonder why I'm here. Part of me feels like I had a reason to be here but I can remember and the other part of me knows I don't belong.
I feel a throbbing in my head and I can't help but fall to the ground. It hurts…..I feel like I can't breath. I don't belong here I need to leave.


《》《》《》author's note《》《》《》
This chapter is just a look at what Jeongguk is feeling. Jeongguk and Kookie aren't very much alike but also the "submissive Kookie" from last chapter was neither Kookie nor Jeongguk.


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