Chapter 12: Leave

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2014, February
[Minju's POV]

I always had been receiving some letters to me that I need to leave my brothers, I always pray and always knew that it's San Hae and some haters. They just want me out of my brothers. I loved them and cared for them but is this the time? I need to.

I wrote a letter to them, they are on tour so I packed all my things and I had many money, I picked a place on were I can live. I left the letter infront of the door, I moved all of my things out, after, I always want to finish this with a sad smile.

I wanted them to continue their life without me, I last looked at the dorm and I left. I left crying and I went inside the cab and told the adress on were I am living. I arrived at my new home and I went inside and saw all my things fixed. I sat on my couch and cried.

EXO, you had been my family, I want all of you to continue a life without me. I want no one to break your OT12 WE ARE ONE promise. I just wanted all of you to promise to Continue all of your lives.

I love you all

[No One's POV]

EXO arrived infront of their dorm and all went inside and Suho was the last who went inside. He closed the door and saw a letter on the floor so he picked it up and read it it

Dear EXO,

Oppas, I am so sorry for my desicion. I want to continue a life without the threaths on upon me, Thank you for everything. I hope you can all have a happy life and I hope we can all meet again to the next years.

Saranghaeyo, Bogoshipeo.

Minju Song

Suho broke down into tears and Kris noticed him and hugged him as Suho cried onto his shoulders. "Why?" He asked as he passed the letter to him as he read it. It made Kris cry "Kris----" as he passed to Sehun and made Sehun tearful as everyone noticed it "S-she l-left" he said as he passed the letter and cried as all the members read the letter and cried. Kai ran to her bedroom and saw all her things are gone except the letters of her threaths as he read it and he broke down and was about to punch the wall but DO stopped him as he hugged Kai while crying. They always remember the memories and words she said to them as they all became close like a family.

Crying doesn't mean your weak, Crying means you have to stay strong
Suho thought and this became a motivation for him

Even though your cold, you can give Love and Care
Kris always puts this on his mind

Even though your tall, you can stay the same height of everything you give to others
Chanyeol thinks about this everynight

You look like a girl but being yourself always can show them you are a man who can suffer all things through with brothers on your side
Luhan, wrote this on his notebook when she said this to him

Your height doesn't matter, your only self matters and let it all out when you need to
DO, remembers the time when he had a problem and Minju said this words for him to feel he's not alone

Being the oldest does mean you have a responsibilty, teaching them all true things about the world
Xiumin passed this to everybody he knows when Minju said this once to the public

Always have imaginations that make you feel happy because that's you are wanting to have always
Lay, thought for a minute

Everyone desrves a world filled with high hopes and with tender, love, and care
The other members always put the quote to have a high remembrance of this.

"Brothers, let's try to move on but let's all say We Are One in hearts"

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