Hey Adora Prt 2 (Catradora)

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Hey guys sorry for taking so long just taking a break lol.

Remember SPOP shippers! Drink your daily juice of love and respect every ship with care, people have preferences!

Adora blinked but her vision was blurry, her head foggy as hell. But at the same time, a splitting pain struck her brain making her groan loudly. "Ah so sleeping beauty can wake herself!" Adora heard the familiar voice of Catra but was too weak to say anything. Catra laughed and took some steps toward the table Adora was strapped to. "For a second there I thought I'd have to kiss you!~" the wild cat laughed for awhile until it was made clear that Adora was not talking. Catra cleared her throat then leaned against the metal table, "all that trash talk then and you won't talk now Princess?~". Adora growled at Catra's slurred voice. "Easy there puppy~" Catra said as she booped Adora's nose.

Catra pranced around in her room in excitement, purring with please. "I did it, I did it, I finally got her!" She meowed like a kitten. Scorpia and Entrapta were also there watching her jump around ever inch of ground. "Excuse me but didn't we lose the last time we captured Adora?" Entrapta interrupted, making Catra stop in her tracks and growl, "Yes, which is exactly why I have a better plan". Scorpia raised her claw like an excited little kid. "What is it Scorpia?" Catra sighed, "Can you tell us the plan Catra?" the scorpion girl begged. "Alright fine"

Adora struggled in her restraints, desperate to find a way out. Only to be caught in the middle of it when Entrapta stepped inside the room. "Hi Adora!" She said in her normal geeky voice. "Entrapta!" Adora gasped, a little relieved, "Thank goodness your here you have to get me out of he-" "No can do Princess~" A voice sounded from the shadows, "Catra..." Adora growled. "I seen you've regained your strength? Good" the girl waltzed over to the table and grinned at the blonde. "I swear when I get out of these I'm gonna-" Adora began, "What?~ Kill me? OooOoh I'm so scared!" Catra laughed. Adora growled again, she turned back to Entrapta who was scanning the blonde's head on a device. "She doesn't have any minor injuries to her head, so we can go ahead and knock her out again Catra" she reported. "Purrfect~" Catra slurred as she rubbed her hands together. Adora gasped and thrashed her legs around, "What are you planning to do with me?!" she stammered. "Aw hon, not anything permanent ~" The cat replied, then snapping her fingers, Adora jumped when a needle was planted into her skin. Entrapta inserted clear solution into Adora and took the syringe away. Leaving Adora, numb, and fading into sleep. "We...Will...stop you.....Catra..." she murmured before passing out.

Catra laughed and pressed a button to release Adora, she picked the blonde up and hauled her over to the ship they had. "We will be heading out in a few minutes Catra" Entrapta said behind her. "Good, get Scorpia down here with her stuff" Catra commanded, setting Adora down on a small mattress on the ship. The cat put on her winter coat and saw Scorpia hop up onto the deck of the boat. "Are we ready to go?" Catra asked her, "Yes, I've got Lonnie, Kyle, and the lizard guy coming with us" Scorpia replied as she nodded to the three climbing the ladder to board the ship.

With Kyle guarding Adora's cell, and Entrapta manning the controls with the others watching out for enemies. Catra had nothing to do but stare into the window of Adora's room. "Uh Force Captain" called a voice behind her, "Yes? What is it?" Catra groaned, "why are you so obsessed with the Princess?" Lonnie asked. "Because I'm sure that my plan will work, and we have to keep an eye on She-Ra as much as possible, and I'm not obsessed" she hissed. Lonnie only sighed and walked off to her station.

Adora gasped as she jerked awake, she looked around to see she was in a different room, cuffed to a bar beside the bed she was laying on. Her stomach rumbled with hunger and groaned in pain, "Hey Adora~" Adora jumped and looked the direction of the voice. There she was, Catra, no surprise there. "Where am I?" Adora said in a rather calm voice, "on the Horde's boat, we're taking you somewhere" Catra replied cooly, "Where?" Adora turned her head and looked at the window on the wall. "Do you think I'd tell you? " Catra laughed and poked Adora's forehead with a single finger. "Even if you did know you'd never get away or tell someone from BrightMoon, we're ready this time" Catra chuckled.

"Here, you must be hungry" Catra tossed a tray of food to the blonde heroine. Adora gulped down the bland food almost calmly, Catra grunted in suspicion. "How are you so calm? Aren't you worried what I might do to you?" She hissed. Adora only looked up at the feline in confusion "like what? You could never hurt me". That sentence stung Catra, especially when Adora never seemed to realize that Catra never hurt the heroine was because she loved Adora. "I know that, but I've figured something out", Catra slurred and crouched down to face Adora. "Something that gets to your head~" she grinned.

"And that is?" Adora murmured with hostility in her voice. Catra laughed teasingly and got close enough to Adora's ear, "Me~". Adora blushed then shivered as Catra's hot breath blew on her ear, the blonde stumbled backwards, blushing. "S -Stop that!" Adora stuttered, she looked away from the grinning cat and growled. "Now now, princess, remember the one whose in chains shall we?".

Catra crawled over to Adora and grabbed the blondes chin and looked into her blue eyes. She shrugged and kissed Adora's cute lips, surprising enough, Adora didn't move nor make a sound. Which was perfect for Catra, so she could savor the sweet taste of the blondes lips without having to hold anyone or anything down. She broke away quickly and grinned as the blonde beneath her shrank into a flustered mess. "I know you can't stop thinking about me Adora~" the cat said at last, "but that's ok- I can't stop thinking about you either princess" Catra confessed.

Adora watched as Catra got up and faced the other direction, "but you don't love me, or at least that's what you tell yourself Adora". "But the truth is that you do have a thing for me don't you?" Catra turned to look back at Adora. The room went silent until Adora nodded, not taking her eyes off of the cat's face. "I know. Because I've been watching you, I can't help myself, I couldn't just let you get away from me" Catra bent down again close to Adora. "Your my addiction...and it's so...annoying" the cat said before pressing her rough lips against Adora's again, but this time Adora kissed back. Making the other chuckled in please with herself, and went back to kissing Adora.

Catra broke away and looked in Adora's baby blue eyes again, getting lost in them. Finally she admitted, "I'm in love with you Adora". Making the room go into another silence, until Adora pecked the cat's lips. "I love you too you dumb cat".

Idk I see Catra as a luring and teasing type. Shy, and loving. I love her so much lol.

Part 3? But at the same time I feel like that should end this 2 part one shot here.
So I'm going to take requests now, any ship!

And remember! Respect every ship with love!

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