My hero (Catradora)

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Requested by Nic_Do_Stracenia
No Warnings

I'm really excited about this one and I hope I don't screw it up.

AU: Medieval Soul mate AU
POV: none
Queen Angela

Their soulmates initial are tattooed to their wrists when they are born.

Princess Adora was taking a visit through the kingdom of Plumaria to visit the Princess Perfuma and her Mother.
Along side her was her adoptive mother and sister, Queen Angela(that's her name right??) And Princess Glimmer.
Unlike the Queen and Glimmer, Adora didn't wear the flashy rich stuff, it just didn't suit her. But what she would wear was a custom chest plate that was just as shiny as the capes and dresses Queens and Normal Princesses would wear. Adora also wore a short white skirt and shirt underneath. (Just imagine Adora in She-Ra Armour but not like 8 feet tall and no tiara) Adora was fascinated with swords and fighting but didn't quite have the guts to actually hold a sword, but she was bound to learn right after this incident.

They were walking through the trade market where people were yelling out their goods to sell and the homeless begging for money. Adora bought an apple and took a bite out of it, and surprisingly it tasted good. She always loved visiting other kingdoms so she could bring back a reminder or a souvenir of the small trip. She bought a small wooden horse that had wings that really wasn't that expensive but it was cool to look at.

Adora was looking at gloves and looked at the two letters branded on her wrist, "CH". She huffed, getting impatient with the whole soul mate thing. Girls her age would get their soulmates so often now it was crazy.
She wondered who it was, would they be cute? Would they protect her no matter the cost? Adora crossed her arms and waltzed on over to the bread stand. Whoever this "CH" is, they better hurry up and find me

"Buying commoner products again Adora?" Angela called looking at Adora who was eating some delicious sourdough bread. Adora flushed in embarrassment and shrugged, just then, a giant booming sound was heard and drums and music started playing. People got out of the way and elephants and acrobats surrounded the streets. (MAKE WAY...FOR PRINCE ALI...SAY HEY...not sorry) Adora looked around and realized she'd been separated from Glimmer and the Queen.

She looked everywhere but couldn't find them, she ended up in an alley way where the music was still sounding in the distance. Just then, huge men surrounded Adora, knives in hand and big grins on their faces. "Here pretty girl!" One called, "that armour looks expensive!" Said another. Adora's heart beated faster then ever, she was getting mugged. They got closer, "g-get away!" Adora yelled nervously.
"Hey!" A voice called from above, everyone looked up to see a masked magicat in thieves clothing perched on the building ledge. "Pick on someone your own size!" She said and dropped down and landed on the biggest guy, knocking him out. The girl then smoothly took out all the rest without a scratch on her own body.

"Are you ok?" Catra asked, Adora nodded and looked into Catra's hetero-chromatic eyes. The cat girl crouched down and looted the unconscious men's stuff and got up to walk away. "Wait!" Adora called, Catra stopped and turned and looked up at Adora realizing that she was a princess. "Who are you?" Adora blurted, Catra didn't answer and ran. She scaled up a building and watched as Adora looked around for her.
Adora sighed and checked herself to see if she was hurt, her eyes went wide when she noticed that the initials on her wrist had disappeared. It was her!!.. Adora desperately tried to find Catra, when she then bumped into Glimmer. "Adora! Thank the gods you're ok!", Adora nodded and smiled with guilt.

It was late at night and Adora couldn't sleep, she couldn't stop thinking about this mystery girl that so happened to be her soulmate. "Ugh!!" Adora whined and buried her head into her pillow. "Hello Princess" a voice called behind, Adora jumped up and looked around. She recognized the two colored eyes as they glowed in the darkness. "Its you..." the blonde gasped, "I bet you wish it wasn't" Catra said blatantly and sighed, she sprang up and sat on the edge on the balcony. Adora walked over and blushed as the brunette stared at the view.
"I never said that" she explained, Catra chuckled through her mask. "Your Princess Adora Grey, but Grey was your birth last name wasn't it?" Catra thought out loud. The blonde nodded, "and you are?".

"You don't wanna know who I am..." Catra mumbled, Adora furrowed her eyes brows. "Of course I do, you rescued me from those thugs today. I wanna know who my brave knight is" Adora let a flirt slide and saw Catra blush through the mask.
Catra sighed and took the hem of the mask in her fingers, contemplating weather she should reveal herself or not.
The brunette looked at the pretty blonde, Adora nodded to Catra in reassurance.

The cat slowly slid off the mask to rest below her chin, revealing her full face. Pink sprouted from her faint freckles below her neon blue and yellow eyes, a fang peaked out from her bottom lip from biting it nervously. Adora held back a gasp, "your...Catra...the thief everyone's talking about". Catra nodded and looked down in shame and sorrow, "look I understand if your disappointed with the whole soulmate thing-?!" Catra felt Adora peck her lips and gaped her mouth open in astonishment. She flushed and started making up her own language "I....I....Princess I-" Catra tried to speak but was flustered by what just happened, Adora giggled and hugged the cat.
"I'm not disappointed, I'm happy...more than happy" Adora held Catra's cheek in her hand, Catra smiled a little and gazed lovingly into her new lover's sky blue eyes.

Two loud pounding knocks game from the door and Bow the guardsmen rushed inside, his eyes wide in alarm as he saw the Princess and Catra who was already masked up. "Princess! Stand back, I'll take care of this intruder!" He threatened, Adora stood in front of the thief with her arms out. "Bow! Wait! She's not an intruder!"
She called out. "Then...what is she?" Bow integrated.
Adora smiled and looked to a horrified Catra, "she's my soulmate".

AWWWWWWWWWWWW ok. I actually love this so much. I'm proud of it, thanks for requesting this it was loads of fun to write. I'm getting to more requests thx for being patient everyone! Cya sinners!~

Arisu~Senpai ;D

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