New Student (Glimmadora) (Fluff, Highschool AU)

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I'm trying out a new writing style bear with me.
No warnings
No one requested it.
Don't ship it? Keep it to yourself and go read your ships one shot then.

The obnoxious ringing of Glimmers alarm clock rang. Making the purple haired girl groan in tired agony and pushed the "snooze" button. She opened her eyes and looked at the time,9:30, and she turned her head around. School started at 10 o'clock so she had twenty minutes to get ready. She huffed and arose from her comfy sheets, she turned off her alarm clock so it wouldn't ring later and yawned. Glimmer looked through her options of clothing that were hung up in the closet, a black sweatshirt sticking out like a sore thumb from the rest of the colorful clothing. She didn't take it though, it made her look too edgy considering she has dark pink hair. Instead, she threw on a white shirt and a turquoise sweatshirt with a magenta stripe across it, along with black leggings and her purple converse.

After fixing up her hair, which didn't take much, she stepped out of her room. "Glimmah!~," She heard her mother, -the principle of BrightMoon High - Angela, chirp from the kitchen.
Glimmer sighed and walked to the said room, "yes, mother?" She replied. Angela turned to her daughter and smiled, "there is a new student coming today, I want you to give her a tour of the school" .
Glim hated this. After her mother had told her the student was from "FrightZone High" - BrightMoons enemy school- she immediately got a bad feeling about meeting this new student.
She stepped off the bus with her best friend, Bow, at her side. His face was lit up with excitement, "this might change things for our schools' rivalry!" He exclaimed. Glimmer smiled too, just to make him not worry. "So?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "So what?" She responded with a hint of irritation in her tone. "What's her name?" Bow asked like a little excited five year old.

" Adora? " Glimmer called out to a blonde girl in a pony tail. The girl looked at Glimmer and smiled a little, "I assume you're giving me the run down of how things go here?" Adora asked . Wow her voice is...pretty!. Glimmer nodded, turning on her heel and leading Adora to the cafeteria first. "I'm Glimmer, Principle Angela's daughter" the purple haired girl explained. The taller blonde nodded and examined the large room in front of them. "This is huge! FrightZone spent more money on the security systems then actual rooms!" She joked . Glimmer, not knowing if Adora was serious or not, smiled anyways. "This is where you'll eat lunch, you'll line up and put your pin number in a keypad when you have your food and you're good to go,"
Adora took in the information with a smile, "cool." .
"What's your locker number? I'll show you where it is if you like" Glimmer offered, Adora nodded and pulled out a folded piece of paper from her pocket, she looked through it until she made a quick 'ahah!' Adora smiled, "134" she exclaimed.

It wasn't much trouble finding Adora's lockers, it was only across from Bow's locker and the combination wasn't that hard to do either. "So! How about classes, what is your first period?" Glimmer asked , Adora looked through the piece of paper again and looked back down at Glimmer "uh social studies with Ms. Castaspella" she said. Glimmer smiled, "looks like we have a class together blondie," she said.
They walked together to the east hall and Glimmer introduced Ms. Castaspella to Adora. "Aunt Casta, meet Adora, she transferred from FrightZone!" Glimmer exclaimed, Adora shook the teachers hand and looked at Glimmer "she's your aunt?" .
The smaller girl beamed "yup! My dad, Mr. Micah, works here too, he's the PE teacher."

After Glimmer dragged Adora around the school to meet her teachers, they headed to the cafeteria. Adora furrowed her eyebrows as two men approached them, one a tall boy with a crop top on and black fuzzy hair, and the other wearing a blue bandana across his forehead and brown hair.
"Adora, meet Bow and his boyfriend SeaHawk!" Glimmer introduced them, Adora giggled.
"Sea...Hawk?" The blonde asked, the smaller not put his hands on his hips and smiled "yes! Only the best name for the best pirate !"
SeaHawk said, Adora laughed some more "you know pirate's aren't real right?"
After the blondie said that Glimmer pulled her down and shushed her "we tend to not use the 'R' word near SeaHawk" she whispered. Adora raised an eyebrow and stood back up, "what? 'real'?" She asked, she was shushed once again by both Glimmer and Bow. "Nice to meet you Adora! I'm Bow!" The crop top boi said formally. Adora smiled and they immediately clicked, they began talking and Glimmer stepped to the side. SeaHawk nudged her shoulder with a smug grin on his face, "So?~" He whispered. Glimmer scrunched up her nose and looked up at SeaHawk.

"So? What?" She said, the pirate chuckled and raised his eyebrows "she's pretty cute don't you think? If I were female I'd totally grab that before Catra does" he teased, she couldn't help but grind her teeth at the name, Catra.
Glimmer punched SeaHawk in the shoulder playfully making him laugh, but yeah,Adora was pretty cute.

When Bow and SeaHawk left, Glimmer turned to Adora. "5 minutes until class starts, should I walk you down to science?" She asked. Adora raised her eyebrows and checked the time "wow that was quick, you sure know how to give a girl a good time" she flirted. Glimmer blushed lightly and laughed "you think that was fun? Let me show you around the town and I'll show what's fun" Glimmer said.

"Is that a date?" Adora said smugly, Glimmer raised an eyebrow boldly. "I don't know, is it?" She challenged, the blonde snorted and wrote down her phone number and gave it to Glimmer.

"Meet me out by the gates at 7 after school, dont keep me waiting" Adora winked and walked away towards the science department with a grin on he face. The purple haired girl looked down at the slip of paper with the digits on them and completely forgot about walking Adora down to class.
"Its a date!" She muttered happily.I

Sorry I haven't been updating, I kinda suck. Happy New year!

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